Users Can Now Store and Exchange Bitcoin Cash Via the Blockchain Wallet

Users Can Now Store and Exchange Bitcoin Cash Via the Blockchain Wallet

THELOGICALINDIAN - On October 11 the cryptocurrency based multiservice provider Blockchain appear the aggregation is now acceptance admission to Bitcoin Cash application the companys wallet service

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The Cryptocurrency Wallet Provider Blockchain Adds Bitcoin Cash Support

Users Can Now Store and Exchange Bitcoin Cash Via the Blockchain WalletBlockchain, the accepted cryptocurrency wallet and block charlatan account created in August 2011, has revealed users can now admission Bitcoin Cash (BCH) through the firm’s wallet. The aggregation who provides over 17.5M bitcoin wallets initially appear BCH abutment aback in August. Blockchain said at the time it would be ecology the BCH blockchain for a few weeks, and the startup’s antecedent statements additionally declared that it would alone accommodate “limited access” to BCH funds. The London-based wallet provider now states:


Users Can Now Store and Barter Bitcoin Cash Via the Blockchain WalletBlockchain additionally capacity users can “store, exchange, and send” BCH funds by switching their preferences in the wallet’s accepted settings tab. The aggregation says in the approaching Blockchain may add broadcast abutment for the decentralized currency. Blockchain aloof afresh raised $40M from acclaimed investors, and CEO Peter Smith told about the company’s advance and affairs for expansion. Alongside this, the wallet has additionally chip the cryptocurrency ethereum and users can toggle amid both of those cryptocurrencies as well. Blockchain capacity users can be assured they additionally advance abounding non-custodial admission to their Bitcoin Cash reserves.

“If you accept to abide to abundance your BCH, you’ll still absorb full, absolute admission to these funds, which will consistently be attainable with your accretion phrase,” Blockchain adds.

What do you anticipate about Blockchain acknowledging Bitcoin Cash? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock and Blockchain.

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