#NotDying4WallStreet - Twitter Trends Show People Are Fed Up With Wall Street, Banks and Oligarchs

#NotDying4WallStreet - Twitter Trends Show People Are Fed Up With Wall Street, Banks and Oligarchs

THELOGICALINDIAN - As the coronavirus beginning causes calamity to the apple abridgement the US is aggravating to adapt for the aggression of new cases US politicians crafted shelterinplace orders in assorted states and shut bottomward a appropriate atom of American industries Now politicians are penning an astronomic bailout amalgamation and American citizens are angry about whether or not the money should advice bodies or corporations Right now as democrats and republicans are apoplectic over the bang bill Americans on amusing media are tweeting hashtag phrases like General Strike and Not Dying 4 Wall Street

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On March 23, news.Bitcoin.com reported on how the accumulated apple and financiers are allurement for trillions if the government decides to print a agglomeration of money to accumulate the abridgement afloat. Nearly every above industry in the U.S. from cruises, airlines, restaurants, hotels, aegis contractors and lobbyists are all allurement for a allotment of the stimulus. At the moment, amid the corporatists and monopolies attractive for a handout, the American bodies appetite some money too, as politicians accept been promising accepted citizens a cut of the pie. However, lots of Americans anticipate they will apparently get busted over because of all the times the authority has bootless them in the past. For instance, boilerplate citizens took to the streets in 2012 afterwards bodies accomplished that the 2008 bailouts went to clandestine institutions and to advocate the cachet quo.

#NotDying4WallStreet & #GeneralStrike Trends

The bailouts are actuality afresh and bodies are not admiring seeing Wall Street attractive for a cut of the bang abnormally afterwards a record-breaking banal bazaar in 2019. The contempo account of corporations and banking institutions attractive for a advertisement has spurred the hashtag #NotDying4WallStreet on Twitter. The hashtag has over 87,000 tweets on March 24 and the trending appellation continues to ascend hour afterwards hour. “I didn’t assignment my absolute life, alive by the rules, to be advised dispensable by men who are idiots — I AM #NotDying4WallStreet,” one being tweeted.

“#NotDying4WallStreet,” addition alone wrote. “Occupy Wall Street was a barbecue compared to what bodies are activity to do if this ass tries to cede their lives and lives of admired ones for acquisitive pricks on Wall St. Also no accumulated handouts for clammy execs.”

In accession to the #NotDying4WallStreet hashtag, the appellation “#GeneralStrike” is additionally trending. Currently, there are added than 22K tweets affiliated to the #GeneralStrike hashtag and bodies are agitated for the aforementioned reasons. “A #GeneralStrike is the best way to figuratively bite the oligarchs in the wallet,” one American tweeted on Tuesday. “But it’s alone able if a massive cardinal of bodies do it — We accept to do it together,” he added. “#GeneralStrike #GeneralStrike2020 — The USA is LONG behind for a accepted bang — Bring American politicians and the corporations who put them in appointment to their knees,” addition being tweeted. “They abduct their abundance from us,” the alone added.

Bitcoin: The Real Occupy Wall Street

Despite the actuality that bodies are mad at the corporatists and monopolies that accept busted them, association had already abstruse that the Occupy Wall Street movement didn’t absolutely advice much. Sure it woke a few bodies up and a lot added bodies noticed the oligarchs but bodies still went appropriate aback to application federal assets addendum and connected to adorn the bankers. If bodies are absolutely agitated they can opt-out of the manipulated banking arrangement today because Satoshi Nakamoto provided the apple with a peer-to-peer cyberbanking banknote system.

If bodies are cerebration about accepted strikes and abashing Wall Street maybe they should ascendancy their own afterlife and be their own bank. Getting mad and agitated about the oligarchs is a decay of time and you can move off the cachet quo’s budgetary arrangement appropriate now. Back bodies use bitcoin there’s no absorption for politicians and the cyberbanking elite, no fees to corporatists, and added importantly, the money doesn’t augment war. Even Julian Assange accustomed that crypto is actual important to angry the absolutist leaders back he said: “Bitcoin is the absolute Occupy Wall Street.”

What do you anticipate about the contempo trends apropos the bang plan in the US? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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