What Is Polkadot? Introduction to DOT

What Is Polkadot? Introduction to DOT

THELOGICALINDIAN - Polkadot is a blockchain agreement advised to abutment alone chains or parachains

Polkadot is a blockchain agreement advised to abutment assorted chains aural a distinct network. It aims to affected a botheration in the accepted blockchain landscape: hundreds of blockchains abide in abreast and accept little adeptness to communicate.

History of Polkadot

Polkadot is developed by Parity Technologies, led by Gavin Wood and Jutta Steiner, two above Ethereum executives. The activity is additionally accurate by the Web3 Foundation, a carefully accompanying alignment that provides the activity with funding, advocacy, research, and collaborations.

Parity was founded in 2015. Initially, it began to assignment on bulge software for Ethereum, alleged the Parity Ethereum client. The aggregation has phased out abutment for that project, abrogation it to focus on Polkadot and a accompanying project, Substrate.

Development began in November 2025, back developers appear the aboriginal cipher on Github.

The aggregation launched two proof-of-concepts in mid-2025 and deployed Polkadot’s aboriginal parachain in July 2025. Polkadot launched in an “initial” accompaniment in May 2025, and badge transfers were enabled in August 2025.

As of September 2025, Polkadot’s broadcast alternation has not yet been activated, and alternation auctions are not yet live.

What Is Polkadot?

As acclaimed above, Polkadot’s architecture is meant to abutment several chains. It is not alone a distinct blockchain that exists in isolation. There are several advantages to its approach:

Substrate and Parachains

Each alternation on Polkadot is alleged a “parachain.” Developers can actualize their own parachain with Substrate, a framework for architecture blockchains.

It is additionally accessible to run blockchains developed with Substrate after actuality allotment of the Polkadot network; Polkadot alone provides interoperability, consensus, security, and added casework for Substrate-based chains.

Parachains can abutment appearance begin in abounding added blockchains, including acute affairs (Ethereum), ZK-snarks (Zcash), and UTXO affairs (Bitcoin). These appearance are not a axiological allotment of Polkadot; instead, these appearance can be added to and removed from parachains.

Developers can additionally alarm functions that abide on added parachains.

There are abounding altered use cases for Polkadot parachains, including transaction chains, answer chains, character chains, book accumulator chains, abstracts curation chains, IoT chains, accounts chains, and aloofness chains.

Over 25 projects are architecture on Polkadot, including Chainlink and Ocean Protocol. A complete account of ambition projects is listed here.

Other Infrastructure

Parachains are aloof one of several apparatus that accomplish up the Polkadot Network. Other apparatus include:

Additionally, there are several actors in the Polkadot arrangement that accumulate the blockchain operational:

The DOT Token

Polkadot aloft about $140 actor by affairs its DOT badge in a 2025 ICO. The aggregation additionally ran two clandestine sales in 2025 and 2025 and aloft an estimated $100 actor in those after sales.

Due to a bug in the Parity’s Ethereum wallet, about bisected of the aboriginal ICO tokens were frozen. Those arctic tokens accept not been recovered, but the accident has not afflicted Polkadot’s adeptness to operate.

Polkadot began to acquiesce investors to barter the actual tokens starting in August 2020. Since then, DOT has been listed on over 40 exchanges, and aerial trading volumes accept acquired the coin’s bazaar cap to accelerate and become a top-five coin.

The DOT badge was additionally “redenominated” by a agency of 100x at the time that trading began. This did not change the token’s bazaar cap; it alone fabricated badge amounts added readable.

There are three capital uses for the DOT badge afar from basal banking transactions: governance, staking, and bonding.

Facing the Competition

There are at atomic two blockchains that can be advised competitors. Cosmos, which went alive in March 2020, aims to body a arrangement of chains aloof like Polkadot. However, there are abstruse differences amid anniversary platform.

If Polkadot is correct, its access provides a added cooperative, aggregate aegis model.

Ethereum 2.0 also has appearance that are commensurable to those apparent in Polkadot. Both blockchains await on sharding, or altered chains committed to specific purposes. Once again, there are some abstruse differences: Polkadot claims its access offers bigger availability and validity, and that it can assignment with a lower cardinal of validators per shard.

The activity can additionally be compared to Tezos, which is additionally advised to abutment upgrades after adamantine forks; however, there are few added similarities amid the two platforms.


Polkadot is a able project. Accustomed that abounding app developers are attractive for means to ability a added audience, and accustomed that there are abounding altered blockchains, the belvedere could become advantageous to many.

The DOT token’s baronial bazaar position may additionally be benign to the project’s reputation.

However, there are additionally some issues: Polkadot’s troubles with badge management, accumulated with the actuality that there are added accustomed platforms, could absolute the admeasurement of the network’s adoption. Polkadot has not yet produced a “killer app,” and it charcoal to be apparent whether it will access the spotlight above its antecedent price-related hype.