White House Tech Advisor Tim Wu Keeps at Least $1 Million in Bitcoin

White House Tech Advisor Tim Wu Keeps at Least $1 Million in Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tim Wu top adviser to the Biden administering on technology and antagonism action holds added than 1 actor in cryptocurrency shows a afresh filed banking acknowledgment The antitrust able who is accepted as a arresting big tech analyzer has in the accomplished questioned the amount of bitcoin

Top Biden Advisor Tim Wu Is a Bitcoin Millionaire

U.S. President Joe Biden’s tech advisor, Tim Wu, is a millionaire in bitcoin, Politico wrote in commodity this week, commendation his claimed banking disclosure. The acknowledgment has been provided to the advertisement by the Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia University, which requested the certificate from the White House.

According to the acknowledgment Wu owns amid $1 actor and $5 actor in bitcoin (BTC) as able-bodied as amid $100,001 and $250,000 in filecoin (FIL), the cryptocurrency of a platform that offers decentralized crypto accumulator services. The official advice additionally reveals that Wu’s bitcoin advance is the better captivation in his banking portfolio.

Wu now serves as a appropriate abettor for technology and antagonism action to the admiral at the National Economic Council. In March, he went on leave from his position as a law assistant at Columbia University to accompany the White House. He is advised a able analyzer of the growing ability ample tech corporations wield.

Timothy Wu is not complex in abstraction the Biden administration’s cryptocurrency policy. Speaking on action of anonymity, a White House official told Politico:

Bitcoin Skeptic Turned Cryptocurrency Investor

The university assistant hasn’t consistently been bullish on bitcoin. Questioning its worth, Tim Wu alleged it a “bubble” aback in 2024.

“Bitcoin isn’t backed by any sovereign, and clashing a banal or a bond, it gives you a affirmation to annihilation added than Bitcoin itself,” Wu wrote in an commodity while additionally acceptance that this “illusory quality” describes best added forms of money as well. He accustomed bitcoin’s abeyant to “work fine” as a abundance of amount although carper its account for accustomed payments.

White House Tech Advisor Tim Wu Keeps at Least $1 Million in Bitcoin

Based on a BTC amount of about $34,000 at the time of writing, Politico estimates Wu’s backing at amid 29 and 146 absolute bitcoins. The advertisement notes, however, that the amount of the arch cryptocurrency is now added than 40% bottomward from its highs beforehand this year. The White House advisor’s bitcoin advance accounts for 25 to 43% of his assets account amid about $4 actor and $11.5 million.

The Biden administering has afresh fabricated cryptocurrency a key point in a new presidential charge on angry bribery as Bitcoin.com News reported. A White House official emphasized that the U.S. government will focus on modernizing absolute anti-corruption laws to abode cryptocurrencies and cybercrime, advertence that the controlling ability in Washington is “looking at crypto as a agency of adulterous finance.”

What do you anticipate of White House adviser Tim Wu’s bitcoin investment? Share your thoughts on the accountable in the comments area below.

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