With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

THELOGICALINDIAN - During the aftermost six canicule America has been activity the acrimony of a countless of protests and riots in about every above burghal beyond the nation The US is experiencing an insurgence like never afore but some of the protests and demonstrations could be added peaceful Acts like not voting for the political chic and application another monies like bitcoin can go a continued way back it comes to civilian protest

America Is on Fire, Governors Invoke Curfews, National Guard Deploys, and Martial Law Starts Trending on Twitter

The protests accept become assertive and that is because law enforcement has attacked crowds of innocent peaceful protesters, there are assassin groups of inciters there to alpha violence, state provocateurs accept been bent on camera annoying violence, and bodies are fed up with the decades of badge brutality.

With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

However, there are other agency bodies can protest the nation-state’s wrongdoings and immorality, by artlessly not accommodating in the base system. By leveraging bitcoin and added agency of counter-economics, by not voting for masters, and alienated the cachet quo at all costs can be far added peaceful than any artery demonstration.

With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

Just afresh a man called George Floyd was dead back an administrator kneeled on his abutting for abutting to ten minutes. There is video footage of the adventure and three added admiral watched their aide account abuse to the caught man. Floyd is not the alone alone that American badge accept dead and best of the time, U.S. admiral never get in agitation for badge atrocity or killing an innocent.

Floyd’s afterlife was followed by six canicule of demonstrations, protests, and riots. Cities like Boston, LA, Oakland, Eugene, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, Denver, San Jose, Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa, Miami, Lincoln, Des Moines, Austin, Louisville, Dallas, Atlanta, Richmond, Cincinnati, Detroit, Milwaukee, Indianapolis and abounding added saw above protests with tens of bags of people.

With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

What Pushed People Over the Edge?

We accept to accept that bodies were bound bottomward and told to calm for three beeline months. They are affected into lines, plexiglass windows in their faces, and fined for not cutting masks. Three months after the abstracts is actual concrete— And Covid19 wasn’t as alarming as anybody thought. The actual “best estimate” was 0.4% by the CDC and a lot of bodies apperceive it’s lower than that with antibiotic tests and the fudged afterlife counts. Bodies absent their jobs and they can’t eat.

Some bodies alive in the projects and close cities with almost annihilation to their name. Paycheck to paycheck they live. Added than 1/3 of the American nation is unemployed. Many are hungry. Can’t pay the rent. Suicide and abasement are ascent cool fast. Mortgages are not actuality paid. Hire can’t be paid. Bodies are still actuality addled for amusing distancing, masks, and the curve and circles corrective on the ground. The media absorbed them up. The government and ‘expert’ doctors lied and over-projected by 1000X or more. They afraid bodies and acquired agony to their accouchement and took them all out of school.

With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

Then some administrator kills a man for allegedly casual a affected $20 bill, afterwards the Federal Reserve has been confined affected money for decades. Badge accept done this so abounding times before. A man’s abutting was kneeled on for abutting to ten account straight. It took the badge canicule to put this administrator in cuffs. The three added admiral accept not been cuffed. Crimes like this accept been committed so abounding times before, and admiral are hardly anytime captivated accountable.

In accession to the police brutality that is never absolutely addressed, the U.S. government has been manipulating the association and burglary from the bodies for years on end with acerbity measures and abundant taxation on assets and property. They inflate the dollar and never accept confined a broker – except Bernie Madoff, because he blanket from them. Wall Street, the cyberbanking bunch and Federal Reserve accept destroyed the nation’s money system.

With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

The aristocratic in America and abounding added nation-states, has pushed and pulled bodies application analysis by leveraging democrat and republican parties, disconnected us by race, gender, and fabricated us abhorrence our brothers and sisters, ancestors members. US healthcare sucks, the American apprenticeship arrangement is horrible, the cartel of US law administration is added about acquirement than attention and serving.

There accept been amaranthine wars accomplished by U.S. armament for 20 years straight. Multiple countries. Drones and bombs. Kids are accomplished abandon on TV and they are accomplished to account the active officers. Salute them. Death by war is memorialized by the anniversary of war. Kids from close cities and kids who don’t apperceive what to do with their lives are recruited into this madness. Children are accomplished abandon is acceptable and to break things with force.

A new President Will Not Fix a Dysfunctional America, But Opting Out and Counter-Economics Will

The hierarchies and the arrangement in America is amiss and immoral. And bodies should abide to affably accumulate and beef if they appetite to because it is best absolutely warranted. But they should burden from violence, looting, and burning. That’s not the way to break the issues at hand. “We the people” are fabricated up of individuals and we charge to evolve. Evolution, not Revolution. If we berserk abolish the system, afresh a agitated administration will artlessly booty over again.

With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

The carelessness and aberration will never end, unless we abolish the political chic nonviolently. There are means we can affably beef after madness. We can use the counter-economy and things like bitcoin to opt-out. We can airing abroad from the hierarchical systems of manipulation. Stop accommodating in the system. Don’t vote. A new President will not fix a abortive America. Avoid the political chic at all costs. Abolish yourself from the division.

With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

Libertarians accept been adage things like this for years. The arrangement of law is biased and the budgetary arrangement is fraudulent. They use censorship-resistant money in adjustment to abstain the base arrangement and the added bodies that follow, the added ability “we the people” have. Think about it, instead of demography a adventitious of accepting arrested and aching in a agitated mob, you can use your money to avoid the aristocratic instead. Without the ability of money, the abandoned accompaniment is useless. They could not armamentarium amaranthine wars and actualize machines of destruction.

With Riots Erupting in US Cities, Using Tools of Peaceful Protest Can be More Meaningful

If the bodies abolish themselves from the counterfeit abridgement by leveraging bargain and trade, ambiguity with adored metals, and leveraging agenda assets, again there’s a abundant adventitious of removing the state’s budgetary power. If we stop voting and avoid the larboard and appropriate parties, we can opt-out of the political arrangement and move forward. If we abide to participate in the base system, again bodies will never apprentice and artifice will abide with no end in sight. Bitcoin is peaceful protest. Not voting is a peaceful protest. These two acts alone, can advice the country a abundant accord than any accumulation beef will anytime do in a lifetime.

What do you anticipate about peaceful acts of beef like leveraging bitcoin and the counter-economy? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

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