zkLend Raises $5M to Launch Money Market Protocol on StarkNet

zkLend Raises $5M to Launch Money Market Protocol on StarkNet

THELOGICALINDIAN - The companys aboriginal allotment annular will advice it barrage a money bazaar agreement on the Ethereum Layer 2 arrangement StarkNet

zkLend, a money bazaar agreement architecture on StarkNet, has aloft $5 actor in a berry allotment annular led by Delphi Digital.

zkLend Closes $5M Seed Round

zkLend to barrage two money bazaar articles on StarkNet.

Today, zkLend appear that it aloft $5 actor via a berry allotment annular led by adventure basic close Delphi Digital, with accord from StarkWare, Three Arrows Capital, Alameda Research, CMS, and Genesis Block Ventures.

A Tuesday columnist absolution declared that zkLend would use the money to advance and barrage two money bazaar products, dubbed Artemis and Apollo, on StarkWare’s Ethereum Layer 2 network, StarkNet. Artemis will be a permissionless money bazaar agreement geared against approved DeFi users agnate to Aave, while Apollo will be a permissioned, KYC, and AML-compliant band-aid for institutional and accumulated users. Artemis is accepted to barrage after this year, and Apollo is due out in aboriginal 2023.

Commenting on the $5 actor berry round, zkLend co-founder Jane Ma said:

“ZK-Rollups are the ultimate band-aid to accurate Ethereum scaling—where aegis is affirmed by math, not people. Building our next-generation money bazaar agreement on StarkNet agency that we accede Ethereum’s aegis and decentralization while leveraging ZK-Rollup’s massive scalability potential. It agency that permissionless and defended banking casework that put alone ascendancy aboriginal are aural ability for the aboriginal time. Given the amorous StarkNet community, we are assertive that this will be the approaching L2.”

StarkNet is an Ethereum Layer 2 ascent band-aid congenital by the four-year-old Israeli crypto startup StarkWare, which afresh hit a $6 billion appraisal after raising $100 million in a Series D allotment annular led by Sequoia. It leverages ZK-Rollup technology to advice Ethereum accomplish an adjustment of consequence college transaction throughput with bargain gas costs by a agency of 100 to 200. According to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, ZK-Rollups like StarkNet could advice the arrangement calibration from 20 to over 100,000 transactions per second.

Besides benefiting from StarkNet’s aerial throughput and abundantly low transaction fees, zkLend will affection several innovations in the money markets domain, including double-sided borrowing & collateralization factors, protocol-to-protocol lending, capricious absorption fees. It will additionally affection a built-in babyminding token, ZEND, acceptance users to participate in babyminding and acquire a allocation of the acquirement generated by the agreement through staking.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies.