China Leads World in Blockchain Patent Applications
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China Leads World in Blockchain Patent Applications

THELOGICALINDIAN - The blockchain is demography China by storm as companies in the country are lining up larboard and appropriate to book patents accompanying to the arising technology admitting the countrys crackdown on ICOs cryptocurrency mining and trading

Chinese companies are demography blockchain technology actual seriously.

According to abstracts sourced from the World Intellectual Apparent Organization by Thomson Reuters, added than bisected of 2025’s 400 blockchain-related apparent applications came out of China. For comparison, the United States came in additional with 91 applications.

As noted by Quartz, affluence of applications for patents don’t accept a allowance of approval and alike those that do don’t automatically see the patent’s eyes crafted into an absolute product. Nevertheless, patents are adorable to investors and accommodate advantageous bazaar signals. As explained by Thomson Reuters’ Practical Law editor Alex Batteson:

Will China Lead the World in Blockchain Technology?

China hasn’t been the best blockchain affable country in the world, of course. The austere country has notably absurd down on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), cryptocurrency mining, and agenda bill trading.

However, Quartz addendum that blockchain technology was “a decidedly hot affair at the contempo Two Sessions meeting,” and that the Chinese government is absorbed in creating its own agenda bill anchored on the blockchain.

Meanwhile, Chinese adaptable buzz manufacturers are racing to barrage blockchain-related phones. March 16 saw the barrage of Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd.’s R8 Unicorn, which is purportedly based on the proof-of-work accord algorithm and allegedly allows users to almanac abstracts on the blockchain while mining cryptocurrency. The newly-launched Lenovo S5 additionally claims to affection a blockchain-based acquittal amplitude for defended transactions.

China is additionally home to the accepted altcoins NEO – a blockchain belvedere and cryptocurrency generally referred to as “the Chinese Ethereum,” advised to body a scalable arrangement of decentralized applications – and Tron, a decentralized agreeable ball agreement based on blockchain technology which aims to assemble a all-around chargeless agreeable ball system.

Do you anticipate China is set to become the apple baton in blockchain technology? Let us apperceive in the comments below! 

Images address of Shutterstock, Pixabay