Poloniex Breaks Promises, Forces KYC on Legacy Account Holders
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Poloniex Breaks Promises, Forces KYC on Legacy Account Holders

THELOGICALINDIAN - Goldman Sachstied cryptocurrency barter Poloniex is now giving bequest annual holders 14 canicule to accede with new KYC restrictions while declining to account promises fabricated in December 2024

Poloniex, a US-based cryptocurrency barter belvedere owned by Goldman Sachs-backed accounts aggregation Circle, has reportedly amorphous circulating emails to bequest annual holders advice them of newly-imposed know-your-customer (KYC) restrictions.

The account comes via a Twitter column aggregate by accepted user @WhalePanda, in which The Poloniex Team writes:

Unsurprisingly, the analysis action is not optional, and afflicted users accept 14 canicule to comply. Explains The Poloniex Team:

Legacy accounts were ahead able to accomplish with alone basal analysis data, which afar the charge for absolute government-issued identification documents.

Poloniex’s change in action doesn’t appear as a surprise, accustomed its area in the United States and new-found buying by regulatory-compliant aggregation Circle. However, some users are demography affair with the barter over declining to account an advertisement fabricated in December 2017.

As noted by Reddit user ‘domchi’ in the BitcoinMarkets subreddit:

According to added users, Reddit annual Mike-Poloniex reportedly alike declared ahead that “No one will be affected to verify or carelessness funds.”

Everything You Need To Know About The New Poloniex Verification Policy

Thus far, Poloniex has alone fabricated an official advertisement via a columnist release, which states:

What do you anticipate about Poloniex’s administration of new KYC restrictions for bequest annual holders? Let us apperceive in the comments below! 

Images address of Twitter/@WhalePanda, Poloniex, and Shutterstock.