Overwriting Satoshi: Kraken Exec Says Bitcoin Wasn't Built for Payments, Isn't Peer-to-Peer

Overwriting Satoshi: Kraken Exec Says Bitcoin Wasn't Built for Payments, Isn't Peer-to-Peer

THELOGICALINDIAN - As Director of Business Development for accepted crypto barter Kraken back Dan Held speaks bodies accept As such his contempo 46tweet abuse on why the payments anecdotal for bitcoin is awry affective the absorption of abounding tickling the aerial of hardcore Lighting Network admirers and bitcoin amount maximalists akin His altercation is prima facie cool not to acknowledgment misleading

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Held Says Bitcoin Wasn’t Meant Primarily for Payments

While consistently proselytizing association about the “true meaning” of the bitcoin whitepaper is a decay of time, there comes a point area an estimation emerges so berserk apprenticed and grossly inaccurate it deserves an address. Enter Held’s contempo Twitter storm.

For the purposes of this breakdown, Dan Held‘s ample assertions that bitcoin was not created to be a aggressive payments system, or peer-to-peer cash, will be addressed according to his above claims.

Claim 1: Bitcoin Was Built to Be a Store of Value

Overwriting Satoshi: Kraken Exec Says Bitcoin Wasn't Built for Payments, Isn't Peer-to-Peer

Held writes: “Bitcoin was purpose-built to aboriginal be a Store of Value (SoV).” Yet the actual aboriginal band of Satoshi’s bitcoin whitepaper reads:

“Bitcoin: A Store of Value System,” isn’t there. Held misconstrues Satoshi Nakamoto’s acclaimed comparisons of bitcoin to gold, and takes them to beggarly the SoV anecdotal is best important, payments be damned. But it’s analytical to agenda that any almost sound, broadly activated agency of acquittal will eventually become a store of value. Satoshi accepted this well, as his own words will after demonstrate.

Gold is added complete than government authorization money, it’s aloof harder to transact with in avant-garde times. Satoshi’s “purely peer-to-peer adaptation of cyberbanking cash,” that “would acquiesce online payments” (again beeline from the bitcoin whitepaper) was created to break this problem, finer creating spendable, agenda gold.

Overwriting Satoshi: Kraken Exec Says Bitcoin Wasn't Built for Payments, Isn't Peer-to-Peer

Held’s abutting several tweets attack to prove, however, that Nakamoto didn’t appearance BTC as cash. He quotes Nakamoto from some of his acclaimed forum posts:

Overwriting Satoshi: Kraken Exec Says Bitcoin Wasn't Built for Payments, Isn't Peer-to-Peer

In the aloft adduce Satoshi does analyze bitcoin to gold in agreement of scarcity, but emphasizes: “And one special, bewitched property: can be transported over a communications channel.” So the accomplished abracadabra of bitcoin is exchange. Nakamoto goes on to agenda in the same post that use as banknote for payments could be what gives bitcoin its amount in the aboriginal place:

Claim 2: Bitcoin Was Not Designed to Replace Payment Systems Like Visa

In some of the actual forum posts Held references, Nakamoto writes:

Satoshi is acutely presenting bitcoin actuality as an another to accepted currency, and not as some awe-inspiring abundance of amount congenital after a use case. He alike goes so far as to acknowledgment micropayments. One would be adamantine apprenticed to acquisition the aftermost time gold was appropriate for such a thing.

Overwriting Satoshi: Kraken Exec Says Bitcoin Wasn't Built for Payments, Isn't Peer-to-Peer

Tweet 10 of Held’s account finds the exec authoritative leaps in argumentation which would affect alike the best agile of brainy gymnasts. He quotes Nakamoto pointing to absence as a amount proposition, and again runs wild. The argumentation is as follows: Bitcoin has absence — Visa does not — appropriately bitcoin was not meant to be a acquittal arrangement like Visa.

But why does absence aphorism out article actuality an able payments system, abnormally back bitcoin is agenda and divisible? Most of Satoshi’s abhorrence against the cyberbanking arrangement which Held himself acknowledges again is targeted at this actual aforementioned abridgement of absence and security, alpha corruption.

Held concludes this section:

Claim 3: Bitcoin Is a Bearer Asset, Cash Just Means “Money Box”

Overwriting Satoshi: Kraken Exec Says Bitcoin Wasn't Built for Payments, Isn't Peer-to-Peer

Now Held aloof begins inserting his own definitions into the whitepaper. Banknote is no best cash, in the accepted sense, but we’ve taken an etymological dive into the French roots of the chat and been apparent it artlessly agency “money box” which is, duh, a abundance of value. Checkmate, payments enthusiasts.

The botheration actuality is added affronted by a aberrant allegory of bitcoin to a bearer asset. As acknowledged operations specialist Rob Henham pointed out aback in 2016:

Held again accomplish back, takes a abysmal breath, and prepares for his final appearance of flips, somersaults, balance-beam cartwheels and swirling, bright ribbons by claiming that bitcoin isn’t peer-to-peer, and should accept been fabricated inflationary.

Overwriting Satoshi: Kraken Exec Says Bitcoin Wasn't Built for Payments, Isn't Peer-to-Peer

Claim 4: Bitcoin Isn’t Peer-to-Peer, Should Have Been Inflationary If Meant for Payments

In tweets 22-25 Held quotes architect of litecoin Charlie Lee as saying: “Bitcoin isn’t ‘peer-to-peer.’ Payments are beatific from sender to miners, who almanac it on a broadcast balance … Lightning arrangement payments, on the added hand, are p2p payments. They are sometimes absolute p2p, sometimes aberrant p2p. LN payments accept to be beatific from p2p to get from the sender to the recipient. Both accept to be online, aloof like added p2p networks like BitTorrent.”
