Little Green Mining Hood or the Big Bad Wolf: Musk’s Sustainability Play

Little Green Mining Hood or the Big Bad Wolf: Musk’s Sustainability Play

THELOGICALINDIAN - Recent announcements and accomplishments by Elon Musk surrounding bitcoin mining sustainability accession questions about the acumen and motivations of Teslas Technoking Is it accessible that Musk is arena a affected business bold to acquaint a Tesla mining solution

The World of Bitcoin Mining According to Musk

Once aloft a time, for 49 days, the apple was able to acquirement Teslas with bitcoin. Then, on May 12, Elon Musk acquaint the now-infamous cheep adage that Tesla “suspends” agent purchasing application bitcoin due to the accretion use of deposit fuels for bitcoin mining and transactions.

It was a analytical announcement. Was Musk not acquainted of the bitcoin mining brand in March back announcing that Tesla would activate accepting bitcoin? Or back he bought $1.5 billion worth of the cryptocurrency?

Another catechism that charge be addressed – how abounding Teslas were absolutely purchased with bitcoin during those august 49 days? No abstracts is accessible from Tesla on this, but one can brainstorm that not a distinct Tesla was paid for with bitcoin. This makes Musk’s advertisement alike added curious. What propelled him to about-face his beforehand accommodation of accepting bitcoin?

To add abashing and abstain analysis for bitcoin’s chargeless abatement in the canicule after, Musk assured the bazaar on May 17 that Tesla “has not awash any bitcoin”.

But the blooming bogie was out of the bottle. Bitcoin mining became the chat that affected the dip. For added than a anniversary Musk aloof sat abreast and let the altercation constitutional on while bitcoin absent $250 billion in bazaar value.

Then, on May 20 Musk had an epiphany; all of abrupt he came up with a band-aid for the acceptability crisis he himself created for bitcoin: miners would “just column audited numbers of renewable activity vs not.”

From there, things confused decidedly quickly. It took alone three canicule to align a “secret meeting” of Musk and Michael Saylor of Microstrategy with top North American miners. In the meeting, Musk assertive the miners not alone to broadcast their activity letters but additionally to anatomy a Bitcoin Mining Council, which drew acclaim and criticism alike.

Tesla to Mine Greener Bitcoin

The catechism charcoal – what is Musk’s end bold here? Musk is affected abundant to accept that this accomplished activity isn’t coincidental.

Two things we can advance about Musk. First, he absolutely believes in the accent of green, renewable activity for the approaching of the planet; appropriately spearheading the electric car and solar console markets. He alike has an avenue action if our aggregate accomplishment to green-ify our planet fails – backpack to Mars. So it can be assumed, with a aerial amount of certainty, that Musk accomplished a attack in adjustment to “clean” bitcoin mining. He has abundant leverage, power, and access to drive a absolute change in how bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies are mined.

The additional affair about Musk is that he is a builder. All his accepted operations are churning out actual products, whether cars, rockets, or bank batteries; he knows his way about hardware.

So if we attack to put all the pieces of the aftermost two weeks together, wouldn’t it be reasonable to accept that Musk is absolutely planning to acquaint a Tesla mining solution? He has the ability and resources, and now afterwards alone creating a crisis-need in the crypto bazaar for a acceptable band-aid for mining, advancing up with one will position him as the savior.

The chat about the bitcoin activity botheration won’t disappear. It will charge to be resolved. Is there anyone added acceptable and able than Musk himself to boldness it? Probably not, and Musk knows it.

Will Musk get into bitcoin mining? Will Tesla action a “clean” mining solution? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments area below.

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