The Ethereum Ecosystem: Still Relevant After All These Years

The Ethereum Ecosystem: Still Relevant After All These Years

THELOGICALINDIAN - Four years on the Ethereum ecosystem is as advantageous as ever

Ethereum aboriginal went alive in 2015, and back then, it’s become one of the market’s top coins. And while four years may not be a lot in best markets, in crypto it’s a lifetime. For Ethereum, it has been absolutely a ride.

With a bazaar cap of $19 billion, Ethereum is the additional better cryptocurrency in existence, and contempo letters appearance that it provides a benchmark for the market.

Of course, there’s abundant added to its success: the Ethereum ecosystem is advancing in its own right.

In short, Ethereum is one of the best adaptable blockchains. It offers developers the befalling to actualize tokens, dApps, collectibles, banking applications, and more. Plus, Ethereum itself will anon be bigger than ever.

Here’s what the Ethereum association is up to appropriate now—and what the Ethereum ecosystem has to offer.

Dominance Over dApps and Tokens

Ethereum currently leads the dApp bazaar with its arduous cardinal of listings. Right now, it has a absolute of 2000 dApps—four times added than TRON or EOS, its abutting competitors. Ethereum additionally carefully matches those blockchains in agreement of dApp volume—each belvedere handles about $10 actor of crypto through its apps in a archetypal day.

To be fair, EOS and TRON boss in agreement of dApp users and affairs (although abounding of these are simple bank apps). Still, Ethereum has a few notable apps in those measures: MakerDAO admiring 2200 users on Monday, authoritative it the third better dApp by user count. Meanwhile, dYdX, a derivatives platform, handled $371,000 on Monday—making it the 9th better app by that metric.

Ethereum’s badge standards are additionally abundantly influential. Of the top 50 cryptocurrencies by bazaar cap, at atomic 20 are based on Ethereum’s ERC-20 badge standard—including big names like BAT and LINK.

Plus, Ethereum’s non-fungible ERC-721 accepted has begat collectible items like Decentraland backdrop and CryptoKitties.

New Opportunities For Investment

As Ethereum matures, there ability be new means to invest. Recently, the CFTC declared that Ethereum is a commodity, acceptation that ETH futures may become an advantage for institutional investors in the future. It’s believable that Bakkt ability add ETH futures alongside its BTC futures—though it hasn’t said so explicitly.

Additionally, there are some retail platforms that already barter Ethereum futures, such as BitMEX and Kraken. These options allure abstract investors who ability not barter on the crypto bazaar itself. Even admitting futures don’t affect Ethereum’s amount directly, they accompany amount into the crypto ecosystem and facilitate amount discovery.

There are added advance opportunities as well. MakerDAO, for example, allows you to lock up your Ether as accessory and actualize Dai stablecoins in return. Meanwhile, associate lending platforms like ETHLend acquiesce you to acquire absorption by lending out Ether.

Suffice to say, there’s a lot you can do with your Ether holdings.

Preparing For Ethereum 2.0

Ethereum’s abutting big anniversary will be Ethereum 2.0, which will introduce staking, which allows coinholders to acquire rewards. It will additionally advance scalability through appearance like sharding, which will acquiesce the blockchain to handle abounding added transactions. Though Ethereum 2.0 is a multi-year effort, staking should be accessible in the abutting few months.

At the moment, altered Ethereum development groups are active abstracted testnets. These became interoperable in aboriginal September, and according to Ethereum’s creator, Vitalik Buterin, a accessible arrangement is rapidly approaching. This will be the “last above anniversary [before] the network,” Buterin stated during a contempo accident in Hong Kong.

Buterin has additionally appropriate that the advancement will be seamless. In a column on, Buterin suggested that app developers will charge to migrate, but coinholders won’t charge to do annihilation at all: “You may appetite to move your funds into [an ETH2] wallet eventually, but you do not carefully accept to and there is no time limit,” he wrote.

Can Ethereum Stay Relevant?

Of course, not anybody is blessed with Ethereum. Some dApps, such as Ethermon, accept confused to blockchains like Zilliqa due to the affiance of faster transaction speeds. Meanwhile, some projects with ERC-20 tokens accept migrated to added platforms like Binance Chain. Finally, some critics accept that sharding is not secure.

But admitting criticism, Ethereum apparently won’t go away. Its brand, bazaar standing, its ascendancy over dApps, and its adeptness to drive advertising for adaptation 2.0 assume to be a acceptable combination.

Though it has abounding competitors, Ethereum has aboriginal mover advantage and the better developer association in crypto —giving it a arch alpha and authoritative it the admired to abide to belfry over the competition.