OKExChain Is a Leap Forward for Cryptocurrency Innovation

OKExChain Is a Leap Forward for Cryptocurrency Innovation

THELOGICALINDIAN - Continuous innovations accept pushed the industry to a new frontier

The cryptocurrency amplitude has appear a continued way back the aboriginal bitcoin was mined. The accumulation acceptance of agenda assets is still a way off, but there are affluence of signs of encouragement. Simple changes on the allotment of industry players such as added accord with regulators, educating boilerplate users, and the architecture of accessible to use articles are all means in which we can assignment appear that goal. As able-bodied as connected addition from every amateur in the space.

Public chains are alpha to accretion added absorption as cutting-edge innovations throughout the industry. At OKEx, however, we’re not aiming to be aloof addition barter with a accessible chain; there are abounding notable competitors who are already accomplishing this.

Many exchanges appetite their own accessible alternation to reflect on how their barter has developed. However, OKExChain is not a bald absorption of our exchange, it upholds the abandon blockchain was advised to back to users. We advised OKExChain to be awful free and decentralized to accord developers the ability to actualize and users the ability to choose.

In giving the ability to developers, we accommodate them with the accoutrement to actualize able-bodied and scalable dApps after sacrificing freedom to a centralized protocol. And to animate added developers to body on OKExChain, we sponsored the aboriginal OKExChain Hackathon recently, which showcased the scalability of avant-garde dApps congenital on a accessible chain.

During the Hackaton, 24 teams and individuals submitted entries including APIs, developer tools, DEXs, agenda asset wallets, basic machines, blockchain-based browsers, staking, SDKs, and cross-chain solutions, aloof to name a few applications.

Also of agenda is our able charge to opensource. Just two months afterwards the barrage to testnet this year, we apparent our accessible antecedent code, which was acquaint on Github in April 2024. And, in the latest advancement to the chain, OpenDEX Desktop v0.0.2 now has 90% of its development completed while the OKExChain testnet is currently at v0.11.1.

As a accessible chain, we accept already fabricated breakthroughs in abounding areas, including affairs per second, on-chain governance, permissionlessness, and cross-chain mechanisms.

OKEx is added than aloof a cryptocurrency exchange; we are a association and ecosystem that aims to avant-garde the accumulation acceptance of agenda assets. Beyond alms the best adult accoutrement for traders, and options trading that allows greater adaptability and ambiguity for avant-garde traders, we are acquainted of advertisement accepted DeFi tokens that address to our all-around user base, while acknowledging the advance of decentralized finance. In addition, Jumpstart Mining has accustomed users to accord to the badge arising of new projects in barter for staking OKB in barter for aerial rewards.

While our accessible alternation is allotment of aloof one of the innovations that accept pushed the industry to a new frontier, it is aloof the start. With every amend and improvement, OKExChain increases in scalability and anchorage the abysm amid DeFi and CeFi. OKExChain helps arrange disparate genitalia and actors aural a beyond blockchain ecosystem. Due to the possibilities it opens with added collaboration, our accessible alternation aims to accord both users an befalling to accumulation and developers to accomplish their potential.

About the Author: Jay Hao is the CEO and Chief Customer Service Officer at OKEx, a arch crypto atom and derivatives trading platform.