Crypto Predictions for 2024: Who Got It Right?

Crypto Predictions for 2024: Who Got It Right?


At the end of 2024, dozens of above abstracts in the crypto and blockchain industry fabricated predictions on price, the market’s state, and more.

We took predictions from TokenDaily’s 2020 Crypto Crystal Ball post to acquisition out who was right, who was wrong, and who was absolute dreaming.

2024’s Top Crypto Predictions

BitTorrent architect Bram Cohen kept it abbreviate and candied with his anticipation aftermost year, saying, “Tether takes over the #3 position by bazaar cap.”

He was right! Tether is currently at #4 but did absolutely acceleration to become the third badge by bazaar cap beforehand this year, and it stands assertive to achieve the position at any time.

Score: Pass

Notation Capital broker Katherine Wu predicted that “2020 will be a blemish year for bigger and added human-centric designs.

With the added focus on UI in articles like Status as able-bodied as PayPal amalgam crypto, it’s fair to say that the industry has become added convenient over the aftermost year. Wu foresaw an access in bigger accoutrement for “non-crypto built-in designers who may appetite to body article on a decentralized web alternative.”

On the authoritative ancillary of things, Wu said, “I anticipate there accept been abundant SEC/IRS/CFTC predictions and tensions to appropriately bang abhorrence in founders/ investors in the US,” admiration that added crypto projects would geo-fence U.S. users and barter at launch. Full marks to Katherine Wu for 2024.

Score: Pass

Managing Partner at Neural Capital, Ari Nazir, said “exchange tokens will abide to be the arch assuming non-vaporware investments in Crypto. Specifically, FTX will booty alike added trading aggregate bazaar allotment from the accepted exchanges and move into the Top 5 in absolute volume.”

FTX did absolutely accept a acceptable year but is sitting at #28 for atom markets and #6 for derivatives at the time of writing, authoritative this anticipation a fail.

Score: Fail

Coinbase Product Manager Jacob Horne had several authentic predictions, saying, “if 2018 was the year of stablecoins, and 2019 was the year of DeFi, I anticipate that 2020 will be the year of ‘Crypto-banks’ architecture customer and institutional articles that advance both.”

2020 saw all U.S. banks accept the blooming ablaze to action crypto custody services, authoritative this anticipation a solid win.

Horne additionally accurately estimated that USDC accumulation would beat $1 billion (it’s now aloft $3 billion).

A final anticipation was a alloyed bag, however. While his appraisal that there would be 10,000 DAOs fell way abbreviate of the 88 currently active, he was actual in adage that at atomic one DAO would administer assets account over $10 million.

Score: Mixed

Krug estimated that “we’ll see >$2M bet a anniversary on Augur by the end of 2020.”

Speaking to Crypto Briefing in November 2024, Krug said, “the aftermost brace canicule accept been >$1M aggregate canicule on the acclamation market,” so it looks like Joey nailed his abrupt anticipation for the year ahead.

Score: Pass

Paradigm accomplice Charles Noyes anticipation a adverse takeover of a above DAO, admiration that “at atomic one DAO is taken over by candidly awful colluding voters for >$1mm in profit” by the end of 2020.

Fortunately for the DAO community, this has not happened — yet.

Score: Fail

Nic Carter issued a cardinal of predictions, all of which came true. Carter foresaw Binance actuality affected out of Malta, as able-bodied as fiat-backed stablecoins adverse “considerable authoritative scrutiny” in 2020.

The SEC won its case adjoin Kik, aloof as Carter predicted, although this didn’t account “dozens of agnate tokens to instantly deliquesce and settle,” as alike the Kin badge survived that ordeal. Carter additionally believed a above U.S. barter would cycle out a user-facing affidavit of assets protocol, which has not yet appear to pass.

Score: Pass

USV analyst Dani Grant predicted that “someone is activity to body and barrage a blemish crypto customer product.” This one’s a bit catchy — Grant appropriate that the artefact would be article “fun, social, and game-like.”

While we haven’t apparent that affectionate of artefact appear specifically, PayPal’s crypto affiliation actually fits the bill of a blemish crypto product.

Grant additionally appropriate that the barrage of networks like Polkadot would “capture some of hearts and minds of developers currently architecture on Ethereum and burn new alive ecosystems of developer accoutrement and apps,” which has actually appear to pass.

Topping it all off with a safer anticipation that Bitcoin would abide #1 by bazaar cap, Grant had a close butt of what was to appear in 2024.

Score: Pass

The Gemini founders insisted that the Bitcoin halving wouldn’t be priced in, arch to a above balderdash run.

Of course, 2020 was the year of the balderdash run, but the halving best acceptable did not comedy a above role in amount action.

“NFTs aka ‘nifties’ will be one of the best agitative areas in crypto and renew action for boilerplate use-cases,” said the twins. “The opportunities for actionable exchanges will alpha to compress globally, admitting they will abide to abound for accountant operators. China will barrage their own stablecoin, which will be a benefaction for the absolute crypto industry, alike decentralized cryptos like bitcoin.”

NFTs accept absolutely generated interest, although the bazaar has stagnated. China has not yet confused accomplished an initial trial of its stablecoin, with the barrage date acceptable over a year out, authoritative these predictions alloyed at the actual best.

Score: Mixed

Su Zhu of Three Arrow Capital hit the attach on the arch with his aboriginal two predictions, saying, “Bitcoin break ATHs at some point in the year. Transacting BTC on sidechains such as Ethereum, Liquid, etc., assets absorption as BTC is added to DeFi and as avg tx fees increase.” 

However, his anticipation that BTC options trading volumes would access “10x-100x as CME and Bakkt’s options articles accompany in abundant institutional absorption and liquidity” did not appear to pass. Maybe abutting year.

Score: Mixed

Mempool Partners architect Johnny Dilley predicted that in 2020, “everyone forgets the halving. As we arch into the halving, FOMO will bang in.”

This, of course, did not appear to pass. The halving was awful publicized in the months and weeks arch up to the event, and the amount remained collapsed during the halving and for months afterward.

Score: Fail

Bringing 2024 to a Close

Predicting the assorted outcomes of this anarchic industry is generally a fool’s task. Those in this account who becoming a abutting “pass” deserve abutting absorption as we conductor in a new year.

Who knows who will abide this account in 2024 aural alike bolder, added aggressive predictions. In crypto, annihilation can absolutely happen.