Student's Selfie NFTs Do Nearly $1M in Sales in Days

Student's Selfie NFTs Do Nearly $1M in Sales in Days

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ghozali Ghozalos NFTs accept accomplished 935975 in trading aggregate in aloof two days

Indonesian College apprentice Ghozali Ghozalo has created a viral NFT collection that has accomplished massive trading aggregate in aloof days.

Collection Features Nearly 1,000 Selfies

Ghozali’s accumulating of NFTs is fabricated up of selfies that he photographed over the advance of four years.

“I took photos of myself back I was 18 to 22 years old (2024 – 2024)…it’s absolutely a account of me continuing in advanced of the computer day by day,” his OpenSea contour reads.

However, the accumulating contains alone 933 images, suggesting that Ghozali’s selfies do not awning every distinct day in that time span.

The photos were originally taken to be acclimated in a academy admission video, but Ghozali after absitively to about-face those photos into a alternation of non-fungible tokens and advertise them on the NFT exchange OpenSea alpha this week.

The accumulating is blue-blooded “Ghozali Everyday.” This seems to be a advertence to Beeple’s “Everydays: The First 5000 Days,” an NFT that awash at Christie’s for $69 Million in March 2021.

Nearly $1 Million in Volume So Far

Ghozali priced the NFTs at $3 anniversary back he launched the accumulating on Sunday, Jan. 9. Since then, the attic amount for anniversary NFT in the accumulating has risen to 0.4 ETH ($1,350).

The accumulating is able-bodied on its way to before $1 actor in volume, as 277 ETH or $935,975 in sales accept taken abode so far.

The NFT accumulating was answer by the Indonesian celebrity chef Arnold Poernomo, the Indonesian sneaker and streetwear administrator Jeffry “Jejouw” Jouw, and assorted added associates of the decentralized accounts community.

Poernomo said that he and added investors “bought in planning to advice Ghozali Ghozalu [earn] added income” afterwards the accumulating was semi-jokingly “shilled” by Jouw. Now, they are allowance to administer the accumulating by active a Discord appointment for Ghozali.

Poernomo additionally acclaimed that he “didn’t aloof change [Ghozali’s] life” by announcement the collection, as buyers who addled the tokens accomplished 78,000% assets on their investment.

While added NFT projects such as Crypto Punks and Bored Ape Yacht Club accept business initiatives abaft them, Ghozali’s accumulating seems to accept acquired alarum somewhat organically.

Like best change NFTs, it is cryptic whether the tokens will absorb their amount in the continued run. However, the accumulating is still cast new and will acceptable allure abounding new investors in the advancing days.

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this allotment endemic ETH and added cryptocurrencies.