Uniswap V3 Video NFT Sells for $525,000

Uniswap V3 Video NFT Sells for $525,000

THELOGICALINDIAN - A tokenized adaptation of Uniswaps V3 brain-teaser has awash for 310 ETH The videos architect has apprenticed to accord the funds to accommodating causes

Following Uniswap’s V3 announcement, an NFT of the video brain-teaser has awash for $525,000. 

Uniswap V3 Video Gets Tokenized

An NFT of Uniswap’s V3 video has fetched 310 ETH, about $525,000 at the time of sale. 

The video’s architect pplpleasr tokenized the piece through the NFT exchange Foundation on Thursday. The animation, blue-blooded “x*y=k,” was initially listed for 8.88 ETH on Friday.

pplpleasr has afresh become accepted for her clear DeFi-themed animations. She’s ahead created videos for key projects like Aave, Sushiswap, and Yearn.Finance. 

The Uniswap V3 video depicts a abstracted arena in which a unicorn finds its way to an Ethereum logo amphibian aloft a lake. It additionally appearance several ambit formations and ends with a brilliant afterlife that reads “V3.”

In a video answer the piece, pplpleasr said that the action represents a adventure appear “the Ethereum promised land.” Uniswap’s adumbration is a unicorn, and the curves featured in the allotment are a advertence to the amount ambit acclimated in Uniswap’s clamminess pools. x*y=k is the blueprint that determines the amount of anniversary asset in a Uniswap pool. 

Bidding on the NFT acrimonious up aftermost night until PleasrDAO came through with the final 310 ETH bid. The DAO was set up accurately to acquirement the NFT. 

pplpleasr said that she was “moved above words” by the sale. She additionally said that she and Uniswap would accord the funds to charities acknowledging Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and added boyhood groups, in band with Friday’s #StandWithAsians event. 

Uniswap announced its V3 amend afterwards abundant apprehension beforehand this week. The abutting abundance of the agreement is advised to accord clamminess providers 4,000 times added basic efficiency, amid added improvements. It’s set to barrage on mainnet on May 5, with a added barrage on Layer 2 band-aid Optimism ancient after. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH and AAVE. They additionally had acknowledgment to UNI, SUSHI, and YFI in a cryptocurrency index.