$100 Million Accelerator Fund from Binance Now Supports PARSIQ, a Reverse-Oracle Blockchain Platform
press release

$100 Million Accelerator Fund from Binance Now Supports PARSIQ, a Reverse-Oracle Blockchain Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE PARSIQ is a alive belvedere that makes blockchain contest accessible and blockchain abstracts actionable It allows usersboth individuals companies enterprisesto adviser any contest beyond altered blockchains in realtime and at calibration and affix those contest to any offchain apps or accessories to automate altered workflows

A blockchain-to-everything ecology account PARSIQ was appear to get Binance funding in accession to the added four projects. Even admitting PARSIQ is not a DeFi activity itself, it brings addition band of aegis and accuracy acclamation the capital problems in DeFi.

PARSIQ connects blockchain action to off-chain apps and devices

PARSIQ technology is a proprietary ParsiQL programming accent that allows users to adviser and adapt an amaranthine beck of abstracts on the blockchain.

Among the accessible use cases is ecology the wallets of traders and accustomed users. Among the non-obvious are circuitous arrangement integrations for banking institutions and DeFi projects that use the PARSIQ basement to advance security, conduct audits, accede with authoritative requirements, and aggrandize their workflows in added ways.

The primary annoyance and bead interface of the account – Quick Monitoring Wizard – allows users to actualize their own notification arrangement for the appropriate crypto-addresses in a few clicks and bind added data: Risk Score, advice about the bulk in equivalents (for example, in authorization or BTC), set up uploading to Google Spreadsheets or accelerate anon to Telegram messenger.

PARSIQ’s technology was afresh acclimated to advice KuCoin drudge victim projects restore the balances and conduct hard-forking of their tokens in adjustment to restore the tokens to their applicable holders.

How PARSIQ helps entrepreneurs and enterprises embrace automation with blockchain?

PARSIQ makes it accessible to accommodate blockchain infrastructures into absolute businesses by abutting workflows amid blockchains to off-chain third-party applications. Zapier, Google Apps, Telegram, and alike abstracts analytics platforms can calmly affix with blockchain action via PARSIQ’s Smart-Triggers.

Blockchain affairs accept become an basic and capital allotment of abounding businesses today. Whether it involves accepting funds for applicant payments, sending payments to vendors, or active acute contracts, you charge to be on top of your affairs with acute notifications and real-time alerts. The possibilities are endless, and the use cases are alone bound by your charge to admission this raw information.

PARSIQ automates the ecology of blockchain affairs by tracking the wallet addresses that charge to be watched. Beyond burning notifications, your business can accretion all-embracing ability and advice from these transactions. This includes:

New Epoch 2.0 bread-and-butter archetypal for PRQ tokens

On Thursday, October 29, the PARSIQ aggregation announced a planned transition to a new broadcast badge economy, which will accommodate alike greater account for the PRQ token.

The aboriginal addition that the aggregation told about was Public Projects, which serve as added gamification and allure for users. With Public Projects, users can subscribe to absolute PARSIQ Projects that were pre-made by added users and assuredly accept some fees in PRQ as a abiding motivation.

By advantageous Public Project developers in PRQ, users that accept subscribed to the Public Project will incentivize the creators to ad-lib interesting, circuitous and added important – analytic projects.” – says Tom Tirman, CEO of PARSIQ.

The aggregation has already apparent an archetype of what a Accessible Project can attending like. A few weeks ago, PARSIQ appear FLASHR – a chargeless artefact to clue acclaimed crypto projects’ asset movements. Flashr is a accessible and free-to-use ecology arrangement that allows users to be notified of any badge movements that they are absorbed in or invested in. Currently, FLASHR keeps clue of 13 projects: Aave, Serum, FTX, Huobi, PARSIQ, Band Protocol, Compound, Reserve Rights, DFI.Money, Chainlink, CoinMetro, Yearn.finance, Uniswap.

The blow of the Tokenomics advertisement covered new requirements for captivation some bulk of PRQ to adviser the aforementioned cardinal of addresses; O2 Protocol for certain collateral-less loans arrangement provided to the crypto association by the PARSIQ team; and additionally new advice about the Uniswap clamminess provider benefit program, which was appear earlier.

As the aggregation stated, PARSIQ affairs to acknowledge addition abounding affiliation with a top-10 blockchain activity at the alpha of November. PARSIQ is actively alive to accomplice with above band 1 blockchain protocols to aggrandize the ambit of blockchain integrations and accord projects that body on those protocols the adeptness to adviser and automate workflows amid blockchain and off-chain.

Visit the PARSIQ website to ascertain some accessible use-cases and acquisition added capacity on the activity and token: https://parsiq.net

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