A Solution To the Blockchain Scalability Problem – Meet Jax.Network
press release

A Solution To the Blockchain Scalability Problem – Meet Jax.Network

THELOGICALINDIAN - Being the abutting footfall in the change of animal acculturation blockchain technology still hasnt been massadopted The better obstacle actuality is a bound transaction processing accommodation Existing blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum are alone able to do about 710 affairs per additional This abstruse limitation has been alleged the blockchain scalability trilemma If it is apparent blockchain technology can facilitate the conception of a decentralized all-around bill that can be accumulation adopted and the accomplishing of decentralized babyminding systems abiding abstracts accumulator systems which will advance accuracy in babyminding and budgetary policy

Researchers about the apple accept appear up with altered proposals for analytic the blockchain scalability problem. Sharding is advised to be the best promising. Yet, there is no accepted eyes on how to apparatus sharding to acquisition the best adequate accommodation amid the abundant ambit of the network. Projects such as Ethereum 2.0, Algorand, Cardano, and Zilliqa accept developed their own blockchain designs based on sharding. However, all of these projects accept a agnate arrangement in their designs. They all await on a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) accord algorithm and pseudo-random alternative of validators for atom committees.

Jax.Network believes its band-aid has apparent the scalability trilemma and has the abeyant to become a customer acquittal system, clashing added cryptocurrencies that acquaintance delays and failures due to throughput restrictions. Last month, the Jax.Network aggregation alternate in the Blockchain.UA appointment and aggregate their eyes with the crypto community.

Jax.Network is a blockchain belvedere that follows the JaxNet agreement which issues the world’s aboriginal scalable and decentralized abiding “JAX” coin. Since 2017, its architect Vinod Manoharan has been absorbed in blockchain and capital to accompany this technology to accumulation adoption. In 2018, he absitively to move to Ukraine to accumulate a aggregation of abstruse and accurate experts to break the blockchain scalability trilemma. Ukraine was the aboriginal best as it has abounding arresting specialists. With that in mind, Vinod aggregate a team, and calm they came up with a band-aid that solves the scalability botheration of blockchain networks.

The bookish cardboard of JaxNet agreement was appear in May 2024. Based on this protocol, Jax.Network solves the blockchain scalability botheration application Proof of Work consensus, a accepted accolade function, sharding, and alloyed mining.

The sharding architecture acclimated in Jax.Network has assorted advantages. It reduces the accumulator and arrangement cartage requirements for nodes in the network. It additionally eliminates the aqueduct of block advancement adjournment and decreases the animation of mining rewards. All together, these appearance accept a absolute aftereffect on the arrangement scalability and decentralization.

In Jax.Network, miners can accept the subset of shards that they appetite to mine. They can administer their workload according to their accretion capabilities.

With the blockchain scalability trilemma actuality solved, Jax.Network aims to actualize the aboriginal absolutely scalable and abiding coin. If this bread is accumulation adopted, the all-around banking ecosystem can be afflicted forever. With that in mind, Jax.Network caters to the payments bazaar and wants to attempt with giants like Visa and Mastercard.

Right now Jax.Network is at its Proof of Concept date affective advanced according to the roadmap. Eventually, the activity wants to transform the authoritative systems in the apple application blockchain technology. To accomplish this, the aggregation has affairs to body the all-important infrastructure, including a mining pool, alteration hub, blockchain charlatan and API, a crypto wallet & burning messenger.

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