Ankr Becomes an RPC Provider to Ethereum Layer 2 Scaling Solution Optimism
press release

Ankr Becomes an RPC Provider to Ethereum Layer 2 Scaling Solution Optimism

THELOGICALINDIAN - This affiliation is additionally a above addition to dApp developers attractive for added Optimism RPC endpoints

Ankr, one of the world’s fastest-growing Web3 basement providers, is captivated to advertise that it has become an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) provider to Optimism, a blazing-fast and bargain Layer 2 ascent band-aid for the Ethereum blockchain. Following this partnership, Ankr is now an RPC provider to 17 blockchains including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Solana, and Avalanche.  An RPC enables assorted applications to collaborate with the blockchain.

Ankr as an Additional Optimism RPC Provider

Ankr Protocol serves an boilerplate of six billion blockchain requests per day beyond added than 50 networks. Ankr delivers time-tested and high-performance RPC bulge basement to handle any appeal load, massively accretion Optimism’s accessible RPC resources.

Matthew Slipper, Head of Engineering at OP Labs, said:

“Apps and integrations accept to body in the Optimism ecosystem because they feel accumbent with our ethics and ability and acknowledge the applique and abstruse options accessible to them. In acknowledgment to requests from our community, we’re aflame to action Ankr as an added Optimism RPC provider.”

Optimism uses optimistic rollups to accompany scalability to Ethereum. By appointment the transaction abstracts to Ethereum while assuming transaction processing off-chain, Optimism can decidedly abate fees and access throughput while inheriting Ethereum’s aegis properties. Optimism has adored users added than a billion dollars in gas fees back its inception.

Greg Gopman, Chief Marketing Officer at Ankr, said:

“We adulation what Optimism is architecture for the approaching of Ethereum. Ankr is blessed to do our allotment to accommodate a fast and reliable RPC account for their users.”

This affiliation is additionally a above addition to dApp developers attractive for added Optimism RPC endpoints. Developers can admission Optimism Public and Premium RPCs, accomplish appeal calls, and concern on-chain advice that mirrors the after-effects of active a self-hosted Optimism abounding node.

To strengthen the all-around Optimism network, Ankr is accouterment a geo-distributed and decentralized Optimism RPC composed of abounding absolute blockchain nodes active common for low-latency and reliable connections. Ankr will incentivize absolute and action Optimism bulge operators to add their nodes to the amount aerialist in acknowledgment for ANKR tokens.

Optimism is a arch open-source Ethereum Layer 2 ascent solution. Its Optimistic Rollup arrangement is advised to advance the able aegis guarantees of Ethereum while acceptance apps to accomplish faster and cheaper transactions. Optimism has adored users added than a billion dollars in gas fees back its inception. It boasts over $800 actor in absolute amount bound beyond apps like Synthetix, Uniswap, Perpetual Protocol, Curve and Aave.

Ankr helps blockchain companies run their blockchains faster, enabling them to action users the best Web3 experiences. Launched in 2021, the Ankr Protocol serves 200 billion RPC requests a ages beyond 50 blockchain networks. In 2022, Ankr added the Web3 gaming SDK, multi-chain aqueous staking tools, and App Chains to its developer artefact suite.