Beam Wallet Version 6.1 Launches on Mainnet
press release

Beam Wallet Version 6.1 Launches on Mainnet

THELOGICALINDIAN - Beam unveils its latest advancement

The latest adaptation of Beam Wallet is alive on mainnet.

Beam Wallet Launches Major Update

Beam 6.1 Desktop Wallet is a above absolution and is carrying capital appearance for Beam Decentralized Applications. After the activation of Beam Smart affairs afterward a adamantine angle two months ago, Beam has been adamantine at assignment developing its Confidential DeFi ecosystem. 6.1 Desktop wallet is an important anniversary on a alley appear Beam Confidential DeFi platform.

Users can install and admission dApps locally compared to accessing them from the web browser. Local dApps acquiesce best censorship attrition compared to web dApps such as Uniswap that still abide accessible to censorship. Developers can actualize permissionless DAPPs and broadcast them after acute any allotment from centralized entities.

The Beam Wallet onboarding action has been overhauled, simplifying the acquaintance for new users that appetite to bound get into the Beam ecosystem. Users can additionally accept baby amounts of chargeless BEAM anon from the faucet dApp to collaborate with the wallet. Beam Wallet adaptation 6.1 will anon chase on the adaptable versions (available on iOS & Android) enabling users to accelerate and accept Beam arcane assets. Alex Romanov, Beam CTO, said of the update:

“Beam’s eyes is to actualize a confidential, compliant, and censorship-resistant blockchain ecosystem that is decentralized, community-governed, and self-sustaining. The 6.1 absolution is an important footfall in this direction.”

Beam is a arcane DeFi Platform bringing aloofness to the apple of decentralized banking applications.

Beam appearance avant-garde Smart Contract architectonics active on top of the private-by-default blockchain, built-in Confidential Assets, opt-in auditability, and easy-to-use wallets for all platforms. Beam aims to accommodate aloofness for DeFi applications, abate miner extracted value, anticipate advanced active and bang monitoring. To date, Beam is listed on over 50 exchanges including Binance, and accustomed in over 450 food worldwide, with a active and growing community.

Download Beam Desktop Wallet here.

Download Axle on Mobile on Apple Store and Google Play.

Learn added about Beam on the website, blog, and Github.


For added information, acquaintance Beam COO Amir Aaronson at [email protected].