Crypterium Becomes
press release

Crypterium Becomes

THELOGICALINDIAN - The rebrand follows the companys accommodation to aggrandize its artefact offering

Crypterium is now, a multi-purpose crypto belvedere that enables its barter to booty advantage of both CeFi and DeFi articles with ease.’s Broadened Mission

Crypto wallet Crypterium has rebranded to and declared its absorbed to affix the worlds of centralised and decentralised finance. Its new authorization will see advance into what it calls a “MetaFi” ecosystem that gives users acknowledgment to both CeFi and DeFi elements.

Since its barrage in 2024, the aggregation has developed rapidly, accretion its ecosystem with new articles and services. It now serves over 700,000 registered users and had a €230 actor about-face in 2024.

The rebrand marks a big anniversary in the project’s history. transforms Crypterium into an avant-garde agenda asset ecosystem that will accord its users greater best and banking abandon than anytime before.’s beginning mission is to actualize the industry’s aboriginal MetaFi ecosystem. By accumulation centralised and decentralised accounts articles and services, its belvedere gives users the best to acquire added on their bill through crop farming, DEXs, clamminess pools, and lending protocols. Meanwhile its battle-tested CeFi casework accommodate a acceptable way for audience to store, exchange, invest, and absorb their agenda assets with the Crypterium Debit Card, coffer transfers, and seamless authorization on- and off-ramps.

The new-look belvedere promises an automatic user experience, advanced aegis and chump support, and a distinct exchange to clothing the needs of anybody from newcomers to veterans.’s CEO and Founder Vladimir Gorbunov declared that:

“When I launched Crypterium aback in 2024, one of the capital challenges was to affix acceptable cyberbanking with the then-new and adopted blockchain technology. At the time, our ambition was to actualize a neobank for crypto and accomplish agenda assets simpler for users. As we accept developed alongside the cryptocurrency market, our mission has broadened. Now, we do not alone appetite to abridge admission to crypto but additionally to accommodate users with new means to acquire more. To accomplish that, we are architecture the MetaFi ecosystem that seamlessly connects CeFi and DeFi beyond assorted blockchains, protocols, wallets, and clamminess pools with the aforementioned accessibility as our audience accept already been adequate on Crypterium.”

Users can additionally advantage CHO,’s built-in token, to maximise their profits with crop agriculture and staking by accepting added APY from able abundance administration and CHO airdrops.

Furthermore,’s crypto amount allowance artefact allows barter to fix a affirmed minimum amount back purchasing agenda assets (currently, the account is alone accessible for BTC and ETH). This way, if the amount of a accustomed cryptocurrency appears to be beneath than the allowance amount at expiry, the user’s losses will be covered by the insurance.

At the aforementioned time, users can advantage dual-currency absorption accounts to acquire aerial allotment through an income-generation crop strategy. After purchasing the concise advance artefact with BTC or ETH, will appraise how the adjustment amount (the amount of BTC or ETH at the time of the settlement) compares with the affiliated amount at expiry. If the above-mentioned is college than the latter, the user receives his acknowledgment in the advance bill (BTC or ETH). On the added hand, back the adjustment amount is lower than the affiliated price, the belvedere will administer crop in the USDC stablecoin.