DeFi and CeFi Full Aggregator OpenOcean Integrates Avalanche to Expand Liquidity and Optimize Trading
press release

DeFi and CeFi Full Aggregator OpenOcean Integrates Avalanche to Expand Liquidity and Optimize Trading

THELOGICALINDIAN - OpenOcean has gone alive on the highspeed Layer 1 arrangement

OpenOcean has chip Avalanche.

OpenOcean Expands to Avalanche

OpenOcean, the world’s arch DeFi and CeFi abounding aggregator, is aflame to advertise that it is now alive on Avalanche, a awful scalable and open-source belvedere for ablution DeFi applications and multi-functional blockchains.

The Avalanche affiliation enables OpenOcean users to booty advantage of the best prices with low slippage back swapping altered assets. OpenOcean users additionally get admission to clamminess on Avalanche DEXs such as Pangolin and Trader Joe.

The added clamminess will added advice abate trading costs for users because OpenOcean’s able acquisition arrangement will accept added options to accept from.

Since its barrage in September 2024, OpenOcean has candy added than 970,000 affairs account $2.1 billion USDT in accumulative transaction volume. It boasts added than 270,000 alive different addresses. Commenting on the Avalanche integration, OpenOcean co-founder Cindy said:

“After over 10,000 of our OpenOcean association voted for an Avalanche aggregation, we listened. Given Avalanche’s highly-esteemed acceptability aural DeFi circles and high-quality protocol, this affiliation was a breeze for OpenOcean. The Avalanche agreement and association break accurate to the amount ethics of DeFi. This affiliation can advice accomplish our eyes to accommodate DeFi’s best advantageous and best anchored ecosystems.”

Avalanche is one of the fastest-growing blockchain ecosystems with added than 225 projects congenital on the platform, including Chainlink, SushiSwap, Circle, and The Graph.

Avalanche launched the Avalanche Bridge (AB) aftermost week, enabling users to alteration baddest ERC-20 tokens amid Avalanche and Ethereum. OpenOcean supports the Avalanche Bridge and allows its users to barter Avalanche’s built-in badge AVAX at the best accessible price.

In the advancing weeks, OpenOcean affairs to absolution cross-chain aggregations that advice users bandy and alteration assets beyond Avalanche and Ethereum at the best amount with low slippage via the Avalanche Bridge.

OpenOcean is the world’s aboriginal DeFi and CeFi abounding aggregator. OpenOcean’s able acquisition algorithm finds the best amount and low slippage for traders beyond centralized and decentralized exchanges with no added fees. As a one-stop trading entrance, we accept aggregated above DEXs beyond accessible chains including Ethereum and Layer 2, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Polygon, Solana, HECO, TRON, Ontology, and CEX (Binance). OpenOcean will abide to abutment cross-chain swaps via bridges and cross-chain protocols, and accumulated added DeFi and CeFi articles and barrage able administration services.

For added information, amuse appointment the OpeanOcean blog and links below.

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Avalanche is the fastest acute affairs belvedere in the blockchain industry, as abstinent by time-to-finality, and has the best validators accepting its action of any Proof-of-Stake protocol. Avalanche is blazingly fast, low cost, and green. Any acute contract-enabled appliance can beat its antagonism by deploying on Avalanche.

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For added information, acquaintance Cindy at [email protected].