DEIP Concludes Pre-Sale to Reach Valuation of $40M
press release

DEIP Concludes Pre-Sale to Reach Valuation of $40M

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Demand for tokens in the presale indicates cogent absorption in the Web3creator abridgement startup DEIP with bags of bodies from over 50 altered countries registering their interest

Web3-meets-creator-economy aggregation DEIP concluded its pre-sale on 30 November, with a advertise out oversubscription of over 10 times the allocation. The pre-sale was breach into allocations from $500 to $100,000 and investors abounding them all. This massive oversubscription shows the appetence for advance in Web 3.0 technology for the architect abridgement and the acceptance apparent in CEO/Co-Founder Alex Shkor’s administration and team.

DEIP launched its pre-sale on 28 October 2024 to action the accessible the befalling to buy a built-in badge of the project. The date of IDO has been confused to acquiesce the aggregation to abide all of the requisite audits appropriately and in time afore the arrangement launch.

Backed by VC funds such as Hillrise Capital, Blockwall Capital, AU21, GAINS Associates, Shima Capital, and angels such as Danish Chaudhry, CEO at Exchange, DEIP broadcast 2% of arrangement tokens during the pre-sale. The bulk of a DEIP badge during the pre-sale was $0.01 USD, giving the activity a appraisal of $40M. The best absolute bulk of arrangement tokens is 4 billion, acceptation 80 actor tokens will be distributed.

DEIP provides a Web 3.0 basement for a decentralized architect economy. Application Web3 technologies, DEIP affairs to accomplish architect abridgement assets (like patents, music, movies, etc.) added aqueous at any date of their development. By tokenizing affluence as NFTs and F-NFTs. DEIP enables a atypical way of babyminding of these assets application DAOs. When these assets are tokenized, they can be acclimated as accessory in Decentralized Bank for Creators to borrow stablecoins. With such technologies creators will accept abundant bigger admission to basic and be able to apprehend their potential.

“As a decentralized activity to the core, we charge to absorb the association to accord them buying and a say in decisions via badge ownership. Due to aerial appeal and an advancing audit, we absitively the association of aboriginal supporters should be accustomed the adventitious to participate in the pre-sale annular beneath added favorable conditions,” said DEIP CEO and Co-founder, Alex Shkor.

DEIP badge is the built-in badge of the DEIP network. DEIP badge serves three above functions in the network: utility, governance, and staking and crop farming. DEIPs crop agriculture differs from that of added tokens in that the basal asset is not crypto, but abstract and high-value bookish property.

About DEIP

DEIP is a tech aggregation that creates Web 3.0 protocol, tools, and applications for the architect economy. As a ambassador of knowledge-based assets, artistic industries will become the above drivers of bread-and-butter advance in the world. DEIP is on a mission to facilitate the all-around bazaar about-face from a “value capture” abridgement to a “value creation” by creating a new set of rules which adjust admission to assets for creators and alleviate the abounding abeyant of creators about the world.


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