Empow - Decentralized, Visually Focused Social Network
press release

Empow - Decentralized, Visually Focused Social Network

THELOGICALINDIAN - Since Blockchain became wellknown to the accessible aback in the bullrun in 2024 abounding developer teams accept started to advance blockchainbased articles and applications that can be acclimated not alone by crypto users as afore 2024 but additionally by accumulation users From that point on the catechism asked frequently in the blockchain developer association is which artefact models are fit to be decentralized so that decentralization can advice to break accumulation users accepted problems

The beginning of the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica aspersion in 2024 can be the acknowledgment to this question. The aspersion led to the advanced deathwatch of user-data aloofness concerns. When users are acquainted that their claimed abstracts can be harvested after permission on amusing arrangement giants like Facebook or Twitter, it’s time decentralized amusing networks started to become one of the best in-high-need blockchain-based products.

The about-face to beheld & alternate capacity for decentralized amusing networks

In the bazaar of decentralized amusing networks at the moment, there are some acclaimed players, namly Steemit, DLive, eSteem or Antube. Now, a new and actual abeyant amateur has aloof abutting the battle. This is Empow.io, the aboriginal decentralized beheld & alternate agreeable amusing belvedere in the world. The decentralized amusing arrangement Empow, congenital on top of the Empow blockchain custom-built alone for the amusing network, aims to be a new data-protected belvedere for users to not aloof actualize alternate & beheld images, videos, and GIFs but additionally acquire money for their contributions.

Now, let’s booty a attending aback at the history of amusing arrangement platforms. We started to associate on the Internet amplitude back application blogging platforms or messaging apps. To affix with accompany online, Facebook or Twitter are bargain acclimated to acquisition out what our accompany are accomplishing or thinking.

However, we didn’t stop there. Humans are admiring by beheld elements, abnormally beauty. Eye-catching images consistently allure us and bear letters bigger than a thousand words. Moreover, users abatement in adulation added with beheld agreeable as it enhances interactions and imagination. The acceleration of beheld & alternate agreeable is the acumen why visual-focused platforms like 9GAG or Tiktok accept emerged and taken over the amusing arrangement landscape. Thus, there was a about-face from argument to visuals on text-content-based amusing networks, accurate by a deluge of images, videos, and GIFs calamity all over the augment of old-time players like Facebook or Twitter.

In the blockchain world, Steemit was the avant-garde that activated the decentralized abstraction to the amusing arrangement model. However, the capacity on Steemit are disconnected into posts and anniversary column is like an commodity formed by texts and images. The accomplished UI of the belvedere makes Steemit attending like an online newspaper. On the added hand, DLive or Antube are absolutely video-based platforms.

So, it can be said that there is no decentralized amusing arrangement currently laser-focusing on all types of beheld & alternate images, videos, and GIFs, the types of capacity that are accepted to become actual accepted in the abutting few years. Empow hopes to ample in the missing allotment actuality with the 100% focus on clear & interaction-triggering contents.

What is the Empow amusing network?

Empow is a blockchain-based amusing belvedere absorption on all types of beheld & alternate images, videos, and GIFs. The Empow website and Empow app are adorable places for agreeable creators in the new generation. With Empow, anyone can actualize their own page, column images, videos, or GIFs in their style, and acknowledge to others’ content.

Most importantly, agreeable creators won’t anytime accept to accord to the Empow belvedere for free. The EM tokens abounding all over the corners of Empow amusing arrangement ammunition and advice the arrangement to accomplish smoothly. Every agreeable that creators accomplish on Empow belvedere will consistently be adored with the EM tokens. By accretion the absolute antithesis of EM, users will accept added bandwidth for accomplishing added accomplishments on Empow, for example, active ads on the Empow platform, or artlessly affairs EM tokens on exchanges to get profit. It’s such a affective apparatus that facilitates a fairer amusing belvedere and encourages the agreeable creators association to accord to Empow.

So, in a nutshell, the Empow decentralized amusing arrangement provides users one-of-the-kind amusing belvedere experiences:

You can adore the amphitheater abounding of trending visuals & alternate images, videos, and GIFs

Your user database is not endemic by any third affair but you. You accept abounding buying of your database and no alone or alignment can breach your rights.

Unlike centralized amusing networks area you don’t get annihilation from what you contribute, Empow grants you rewards back accidental to the platform. The rewards you accept are not aloof some affectionate of money but the appropriate to ascendancy the Empow belvedere (the appropriate to run ads on Empow for example). So, it is bright that Empow is created for users and by users.

The Empow blockchain: An ultra-fast & able decentralized arrangement guaranteeing the operation of Empow amusing network

Empow learns the way to body a acknowledged decentralized amusing arrangement from Steemit. Back in the time back Steemit was launched, the aggregation additionally launched the Steem blockchain. Although the Steem ecosystem has abounding associates now, the blockchain was created aboriginal and foremost to serve the operation of the Steemit amusing network.

The Empow aggregation didn’t accept accepted blockchains as the basement technology. They accept auspiciously congenital the new accessible blockchain called Empow, custom-built alone for Empow amusing arrangement (You can analysis out the charlatan armpit of Empow blockchain here) The Empow blockchain accouterments the scalable Proof of Believability accord mechanism. With the best avant-garde accord at the moment, the Empow blockchain is absolutely a high-throughput, high-performance, and low cessation decentralized network. Benefiting from that, the Empow amusing network, after the low-speed and the high-latency, can abutment millions of accomplishments from users at a time, commensurable to giants like Facebook, Youtube or Twitter.

Along with that, Empow blockchain food all users’ abstracts on the broadcast ledger. It is a way to advice abundance users’ abstracts on Empow belvedere sustainably with safety, no amount how abundant the user abject of Empow grows.

The Empow amusing arrangement connects anon to the Empow blockchain, so every Empow blockchain ID can become an ID on Empow belvedere and alpha to column agreeable & acquire money appropriate from their Empow wallet address. No allotment action or KYC appointment needed, which helps the database of Empow users to be adequate at the accomplished level. Also, acknowledgment to the burning affiliation amid the 2 types of ID, new users don’t charge to pay any added fee to actuate their Empow amusing arrangement accounts.


Being the new amateur in the market, Empow is the actual aboriginal beheld & interactive-content-focused decentralized amusing arrangement in the Blockchain space. Taking a altered access compared to added competitors, Empow focuses alone on beheld & alternate content. Users of the Empow amusing arrangement can become artistic agreeable creators and acquire money for their addition as EM tokens.

In the basement technology, to agreement the best able operation for the Empow amusing network, the aggregation has congenital auspiciously the Empow blockchain with the scalable Proof of Believability accord apparatus and a arrangement for autumn belvedere databases like images or videos. With this design, the Empow blockchain is an ultra-fast & actual able decentralized network, allowance the Empow amusing arrangement to be able to serve millions of users after the low-speed or latency.

Empow’s channels link

Here is area you can acquisition out added advice about Empow:

Website: https://empow.io/
Empow blockchain explorer: http://emscan.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmpowNetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/empowofficial

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Empowofficial/

Press Contact Email Address
[email protected]

Supporting Link

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