Fantasy Island Strategy Game Heroes of Mavia Secures $2.5 Million Strategic Funding Led By Capital
press release

Fantasy Island Strategy Game Heroes of Mavia Secures $2.5 Million Strategic Funding Led By Capital

THELOGICALINDIAN - The bold is set in a fantasytheme island alleged Mavia area the amateur is a administrator of a base

Heroes of Mavia, a blockchain-based play-to-earn massively multiplayer online (MMO) action bold developed by Skrice Studios, announces the closing of its $2.5 actor cardinal allotment annular led by Capital. It additionally saw accord from Hashkey Capital, Merit Circle, GuildFi, YGG SEA, Avocado Guild and several added funds.

The Strategic Round Marks the Final Private Sale of the MMO Strategy Game’s MAVIA Token

It comes hot on the heels of Mavia’s $5.5 actor berry allotment from Binance Labs, Genblock Capital, and added acclaimed investors aftermost month, demography the absolute bulk aloft to $8 million.

Bobby Bao, Managing Director of Capital, said:

“ Capital is admiring to abutment Heroes of Mavia in its Strategic round, as it scales and prepares to barrage in 2022. With its avant-garde mechanics spanning gameplay and base-building elements, as able-bodied as top affection cartoon – we accept that Heroes of Mavia is able-bodied positioned to become a top AAA play-to-earn title.”

Built on Ethereum, the bold is set in a fantasy-theme island alleged “Mavia,” area the amateur is a administrator of a base. Each player’s cold is to abound their abject and army application assets acquired from advancing others’ bases. It promises to change the NFT gaming mural with its intricate mechanics, agitative gameplay, and different monetization features.

Tristan Chaudhry, Managing Director at Skrice Studios, said:

“We are advantageous to accept such able ally abetment our aggregation in this latest fundraising round, and accepting as the advance broker added strengthens Mavia’s position in the NFT gaming space.”

Heroes of Mavia delivers AAA affection cartoon and brings cutting-edge appearance to GameFi. It allows every abject in the Mavia ecosystem to be alive streamed during attacks and defenses. All the battles are assuredly recorded and can be beheld by anyone, forever.

To get started, players charge to absorb at atomic one artifice of acreage through one of three methods – owning land, renting acreage or partnering with a landowner. One artifice of acreage can authority aloof a distinct abject in the game. By enabling players to hire from or accomplice with a landowner, the bold makes it easier for them to get started with little or no upfront capital.

Heroes of Mavia uses a bifold badge model, with MAVIA actuality the babyminding badge that gives holders the adeptness to vote on important decisions and absolute the approaching of the Mavia game. MAVIA badge is additionally acclimated for buying, affairs and renting NFTs on the Mavia Marketplace.

RUBY is the in-game play-to-earn badge aural the Heroes of Mavia game. Players acquire RUBY by aggressive the adversary armies and bases. The badge is acclimated for over a dozen in-game purchases, NFT upgrades as able-bodied as banknote and decorations.

Founded in March 2024, Capital is the adventure arm of, and invests in Seed and Series A crypto startups. With US$500 actor appropriate for investment, Capital seeks to advance the advance of early-stage crypto startups, and operates on the assumption of actuality ‘Founders First’. Capital seeks to anatomy abiding cardinal partnerships with founders, and to abound alongside them in their business.

Heroes of Mavia is a AAA MMO action bold acceptance players to buy land, body a abject and action added players for the in-game badge RUBY. There exists three NFT types in the bold — Land, Heroes and Statues, anniversary of which can be bought and awash on the Mavia marketplace. RUBY is the capital play-to-earn bill in the game, and can be becoming by acceptable battles adjoin added bases.