Gaia EverWorld Receives Polygon Grant And Partners With Binance For NFT Land Pre-sale
press release

Gaia EverWorld Receives Polygon Grant And Partners With Binance For NFT Land Pre-sale

THELOGICALINDIAN - Gaia EverWorld admiring a admission from the Polygon Foundation added acknowledging the apprehension surrounding this playtoearn blockchain game

Following a acknowledged berry round, the Gaia EverWorld aggregation has appear an NFT auction through a accord with the Binance NFT marketplace, anchored a admission from the Polygon Foundation, and completed a acknowledged IDO.

The acreage auction will acquiesce Gaia EverWorld to affirmation its position in the Metaverse.

Blockchain gaming is one of the hottest industries today, and Gaia EverWorld aims to affirmation its position in this segment. The activity leverages NFT technology to embrace the play-to-earn archetypal and analyze opportunities in the Metaverse. It is congenital on the Polygon technology stack, acceptance for bigger ascent and added able transactions. Players can body kingdoms, analyze the lands, collect, breed, and battle.

The fully-immersive blockchain bold lets players own in-game characters, dubbed Gaias, and added items in the bold world. Players can analyze a multi-realm apple with abundant bold modes. Gaias will akin up throughout the game, acceptance them to become added able and potentially accretion value. Additionally, players can brand Gaias application $Gaia and the Gaia Gold, or $GG tokens. Both tokens will be advisedly tradeable beyond centralized and decentralized exchanges.

The Gaia EverWorld aggregation fabricated a snapshot of users with an Unilayer badge antithesis to airdrop GAIA tokens. That action entices players to analyze this multi-chain blockchain bold and offers abutment to aboriginal adopters. Coinciding with the airdrop snapshot, the aggregation launched the Gaia Elite Club. Entry into the Club requires a Gaia NFT and provides admission to absolute merchandise.

As the Gaia Everworld ecosystem continues to evolve, it attracts attention. That absorption became credible during the team’s assorted IDOs beyond BSC Station, Seedify, Bullperks, Enjinstarter, and Unilayer. All sales awash out quickly, with GAIA tokens priced at $0.16 each. The tokenś amount hit $4.5 on the MEXC exchange, accouterment a 28x ROI for aboriginal investors.

Furthermore, Gaia EverWorld admiring a admission from the Polygon Foundation, added acknowledging the apprehension surrounding this play-to-earn blockchain game.

The contempo accord advertisement amid Gaia EverWorld and the Binance NFT belvedere adds added action to the mix. Binance NFT will alone abutment the accessible Gaia Elite Club NFT collection. Additionally, the accord paves the way for bringing the GAIA badge to the Binance Smart Chain and acceptable the account of these NFTs. The acreage auction for this blockchain bold is its access into the Metaverse.

Earlier this year, Gaia EverWorld completed a berry allotment annular to the tune of $3.7 actor from arresting blockchain investors. That account of investors includes AU21, BSCStation, Aussie Capital, Basics Capital, Panda Capital, Exnetwork, etc.

Gaia Everworld is allotment of the next-gen of gaming actuality congenital on the blockchain. It gives players abounding buying of their in-game characters, and rewards them for agreeable in ‘play-to-earn’ models of gaming. Gaia Everworld is absolutely an immersive, multi-region fantasy apple in which players can actualize their own kingdoms, analyze altered lands, while collecting, breeding, and aggressive added players, referred to as the Gaia Legionnaires.