Hashbon Launches Its HASH Token and Gets Listed on Coinsbit
press release

Hashbon Launches Its HASH Token and Gets Listed on Coinsbit

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Established in 2024 Hashbon aims to accommodate acquittal casework for both business and alone audience One of the key differences amid Hashbon and added crypto acquittal providers is that Hashbon accuse 0 agency for crypto payments processing Buyers pay and sellers accept absolutely the aforementioned bulk of cryptocurrencies that they are transacting to one another

The belvedere supports over 30 cryptocurrencies, including industry leaders like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Tether, Dash, and abounding others. Hashbon is accretion the account of accurate cryptocurrencies consistently and the aggregation is adjustable with the European KYC policies.

Hashbon belvedere is an easy-to-integrate acquittal solution, which enables businesses and individuals to accomplish crypto operations worldwide, with aught fees, added security, and transparency. The acquittal aperture has an accessible and afire fast affiliation with alone one band of cipher that makes it altered alike from industry giants.

Business owners, for example, may accept to opt-in for Hashbon’s auto settlements option. It automates the action of exchanging cryptocurrencies for authorization directly, after the charge for chiral interventions. Clients can calmly accommodate Hasbon’s acquittal aperture with alone one band of cipher and alpha converting crypto to authorization (EUR, GBP, CZK, PLN, CHF, HUF, etc.) or vice-versa instantly.

For added convenience, Hashbon can accomplish cyberbanking bills, beatific via email or WhatsApp and affairs can be candy through acceptable acquittal systems like SEPA, PayPal, Payoneer, Visa\MasterCard, Sofort, iDeal and more.

HASH Token

Hashbon afresh appear its account badge – HASH. The badge is aggregate beneath the ERC-20 and BEP-20 standards, which agency HASH would be accessible on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain networks. The account badge absolution is a basic footfall for Hashbon’s association which broadcast with 10,000 participants anon afterwards the release.

The badge grants HASH holders appropriate appearance like lower barter ante for converting crypto to authorization and vice-versa. A absolute of one billion HASH tokens would be released, with 80% of the bulk activity into accessible circulation.

The account badge is activity to be listed on Coinsbit this Friday, February 26, which opens the doors for accommodating in the company’s association and alive trading. In the beginning, there will be two pairs accessible for trading: Hash-USDT and Hash-BTC. To aroma things up, Hashbon will adapt a trading antagonism in March 2021 with an arrangement of rewards for the best traders.

About Hashbon

Hashbon strives to affluence and accommodate the way users collaborate with their crypto funds, putting into acceptable use the years of convenance and utilizing the accepted banking systems’ flaws. Buying with crypto or accepting cryptocurrencies from audience has never been easier, acknowledgment to Hashbon’s convenient interface and massive capabilities.

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