Here Is Why BigONE's New VIP System Can Make the Most Out of Your Everyday Trading
press release

Here Is Why BigONE's New VIP System Can Make the Most Out of Your Everyday Trading

THELOGICALINDIAN - BigONE Exchange one of the worlds safest crypto exchanges has taken on a new burnish as it aloof launched a cast new VIP arrangement that converts a users every assurance with the belvedere into his or her own allowances be they abatement on atom trading fees abridgement on advantage interests ante or an added barometer bonus

“We are absolution users apperceive their own engagements on the platform. We will accommodate users with bigger casework according to these behavioral characteristics.” said Kevin Cheng, Chief Operations Officer at BigONE Exchange. “ For example, some users do not like trading, instead he or she brand to abundance coins. For this user, we may baby a appropriate abundance administration artefact to him. But if a user brand trading a lot, we will accomplish his or her trading acquaintance bigger off with a appropriate trading fee discount.”

The VIP bureaucracy follows bristles rankings, anniversary agnate to a specific BigONE Point range. For example, in adjustment to accomplish the third accomplished baronial Platinum, a user needs to accept at atomic 550 BigONE Points. If the user has added than 550 points, the user will get upgraded to Diamond. The accomplished baronial in the bureaucracy is Challenger, which requires 750 points. The college the ranking, the added allowances a user can enjoy. Full baronial goes like this: Bronze (0-450), Silver (450-550), Platinum (550-650), Diamond (650-750), Challenge (above 750).

From actuality you ability be apprehensive how to get those aureate BigONE Points? It’s absolutely actual simple. The arrangement calculates every user’ BigONE credibility by evaluating the user’s all-embracing accompaniment on bristles areas: Total Trading Volume, Average Daily Asset, Referrals, User Behavior, and Identification Verification.

Now let’s breach them down.

Total Trading Aggregate is artlessly the absolute trading aggregate in the aftermost 30 days, including both Spot trading and Perpetual Contract Trading, with the above accepting a accessory of 1, and closing of 0.5, which will be advised by the arrangement accordingly. The beyond the trading volume, the added credibility a user can get. The Arrangement automatically updates the credibility every 7 days.

Average Daily Asset in the aftermost 30 canicule is additionally affected and advised on accessory of boilerplate bill and altcoins, with above actuality 1 and closing actuality 0.3. Boilerplate bill are ONE/BTC/USDT/ETH/EOS/BCH/LTC/XRP. The added assets you have, the added credibility a user can get.

Referrals. The added users you allure and the beyond their trading volume, the added credibility you can get.

User Behavior refers to how frequently a user logs in, barter atom and abiding contract, and fiat, anniversary of which has its altered coefficient. The added common a user trade, the added credibility a user can get.

Identification Verification consists of KYC 1, KYC 2, and whether or not the annual is affiliated with a buzz cardinal and email address. If a user sets up complete Identification Verification measures, the user gets the abounding credibility in this category.

So what are some of the allowances that users can get from BigONE Points / Rankings?

For starters, users can get a abatement on the circadian absorption amount on loans acclimated in Margin Trading. The amount begins with 0.1% for Bronze, and can go all the way bottomward to 0.03% for Challengers, which agency that the circadian absorption for a appropriate $10,000 accommodation is alone $3, which pales in allegory with the profits fabricated if BTC bazaar amount sees an access in as few as $30.

What’s added alluring about the VIP arrangement is that at anniversary date it offers a altered akin of abatement on Spot Trading fees, which starts off at 0.2% for Bronze and can go as low as 0.06% for Challenger, a amount that is way added acceptable than the industry average, all things considered. Moreover, users can get a appropriate barometer agency from the invitee’s trading fee. which ranges from 20% to 40%.

Other VIP allowances accommodate abstruse new artefact benefits, absolute souvenirs, casual airdrops, absolute activity quota, and more.

However, there is addition way to access the perks. Spending and locking ONE are two of the answerable means of accepting the appropriate abatement on fees. For example, it alone takes you $150 account of ONE to get a trading fee of 0.08% able for one month, the aforementioned as that of Bronze. The added way about is locking, in which you buy and authority $214 account of ONE to get the aforementioned allowances of Bronze. The time aeon is one ages as well. If you buy in bulk, say 3 months, you get added discounts.

Objectively speaking, BigONE’s locking trading fee abatement anatomy is 42 times added acceptable than that of added exchanges such as Huobi, area its users charge to authority $8800 account of HT in adjustment to get a 0.08% trading fee, compared with alone $214 at BigONE.

Although BigONE has a aegis breach-free almanac back its inception, it is BigONE’s convenient articles and the candor to accomplish fair and aboveboard that has led to the crypto association applauding BigONE for actuality wholesome and inclusive. That’s additionally how BigONE thinks the apple should be.

Learn added about VIP system:
BigONE’s website:
New User Registration:

**Please agenda – If you annals through the articulation above, you will get a 30% abatement on Perpetual Contract trading fees, and the abatement will abide able until July 20.

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