Humanode Raises $2M Led by Republic Capital while the Testnet Hits 1650 Unique Validators
press release

Humanode Raises $2M Led by Republic Capital while the Testnet Hits 1650 Unique Validators

THELOGICALINDIAN - Humanode which is appointed to barrage its mainnet in mid2022 has afresh launched the additional adaptation of its testnet platform

Humanode, the aboriginal cryptobiometric arrangement area one animal = one node, has auspiciously bankrupt its $2M berry round. Led by Republic Capital, the berry annular was accurate by institutions such as Tribe Capital, Blizzard – the Avalanche ecosystem fund, Wintermute, GravityX Capital, Shima Capital, Genblock, AU21, and StaFi, forth with Polygon co-founders, Jaynti Kanani and Sandeep Nailwal.

Humanode is Planning its Public Sale and Mainnet Launch in Summer 2022

Humanode is the world’s aboriginal blockchain activity to advance a accord apparatus based on crypto-biometric identification to apprehend their ambition of one animal = one bulge = one vote to affected assorted accepted issues in crypto-economics and governance. Humanode has developed a band 1 agreement that provides able Sybil attrition through awful authentic clandestine biometric algorithms in abutting cooperation with Facetec.

Alex Ye, Managing Partner of Republic Crypto, said:

“At the moment, crypto babyminding is a plutocratic daydream abounding with whales and Sybil attacks. Humanode is laying the basal basement for robust, absolutely bearding agenda identities that will serve as a cornerstone of our more immersive agenda world.”

Humanode co-founder, Dato Kavazi, stated:

“Sybil advance is what stands amid altruism and a absolutely new way of alternation with the apple about us. It is not aloof a blockchain problem. Bots are a affliction of any high-level agenda basement and we are actuality to get rid of them in a clandestine and decentralized fashion. By carrying a blockchain-based on biometrically absolute bearding identities we appetite to ensure that any systems congenital on top can be abiding that nodes are different absolute active and breath animal beings. Thank you Republic and Alex Ye in accurate for accepting our back. Humanode welcomes anybody to accompany its endeavors and with ambulatory strength, we columnist on advanced into the beastly borderland of computer science.”

Humanode, which is appointed to barrage its mainnet in mid-2022, has afresh launched the added adaptation of its testnet platform. There were over 11 thousand applications to become one of the world’s aboriginal animal nodes (biometrically absolute validator nodes), over 3000 were arrive to participate, and had over 500 validator nodes alive simultaneously. Following the two-week bankrupt beta for V2, the accessible accessible beta adaptation of the software was appear on December 23rd, and an added 1150 animal nodes were launched, bringing the cardinal of alive different validators to 1650 as of February 10th, 2022.

What makes this testnet different is that there is no incentive. People are abutting because of the abeyant they see in the activity and the change biometric-based Sybil-resistance can bring.  Humanode is not aloof accouterment a “useful tool”, but the agency to accommodate crypto infrastructure, decentralized finance, DAOs, and metaverses by establishing a band amid you and your agenda presence.

Governance practices in DAOs are majorly focused on token-based quorum and accept an acutely low beginning for voting. While assorted articles are alive on analytic the problem, Humanode’s “one animal – one vote” angle is abnormally positioned and resonates with real-life voting admitting in a decentralized and bearding manner. It is alone accustomed for DAOs/protocols to advantage the technology.

Bilal, Founder of Genblock Capital, added:

“We are captivated to be alive with the Humanode aggregation as they claiming the accepted archetype of blockchain technologies. Ambitious projects like Humanode at the beginning of addition leave us rethinking our accepted compassionate of the industry and added analytic our behavior of area the industry will be in years to come.“

Humanode is the aboriginal crypto-biometric arrangement area one animal = one bulge that brings Sybil attrition and avant-garde babyminding models to the crypto industry application biometric technology.