CureCoin: A cryptocurrency that eliminates disease
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CureCoin: A cryptocurrency that eliminates disease

THELOGICALINDIAN - Presenting a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin but with the ambition ofharnessing all the accretion ability and energya cryptocurrency generatestowards a allusive accurate and medical purpose

So abundant activity and ability is ashen on re-securing the blockchain and accretion approximate hashes for Bitcoin. CureCoin is an another cryptocurrency that boils bottomward to a affidavit of assignment arrangement based aloft admired computer calculations.

Valuable accurate and medical abstracts is provided by the Folding@Home activity (F@H) run by Stanford University. The F@H activity is a broadcast accretion activity for ache analysis that simulates protein folding, computational biologic design, and added types of atomic dynamics. The primary purpose is to actuate the exact mechanisms of protein folding- a action by which all primary functions utilize. This allows us to actuate what causes protein misfolding and has above applications for medical analysis appear Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and abounding forms of cancer.

Video answer F@H below


When you run F@H or bend for CureCoin, you are adored aloft how abundant ability you are able to accord to the F@H network. The added you fold, the added you earn. ASIC miners are additionally able to abundance appear accepting the blockchain and acquire CureCoin too, giving a abode for all users.

According to the CoinCure website, CPUs, GPUs, SHA-256 ASIC can all be acclimated in affiliation with CureCoin and F@H network.