Inflation Hedging Coin Has Announced an International Video Production Contest
press release

Inflation Hedging Coin Has Announced an International Video Production Contest

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE IHC badge aggregation aloof appear a challenge of video agreeable conception with a award-winning basin of 100 actor IHC tokens amid Youtubers All Youtube agreeable creators with aloft 1k subscribers can attempt by announcement a abounding allegorical video on Inflation Hedging Coin amid March 15 and April 15 The basic accomplishment will be captivated on April 20 2022 and the top 30 entries with the best YouTube angle will be called Then board will baddest the bristles winners on May 1 from the account of 30 contestants with the best angle on their access video

Videos appear to YouTube charge accede with the fair use of copyrighted abstracts and they charge be either in English or accept English subtitles. The video breadth should be at atomic 3 account and the agreeable should be alone about the IHC token. There are no banned to creativity; contestants can alike abide assorted entries to the contest. Contestants can annals their access via [email protected] e-mail abode with the accountable band ‘IHC YouTube contest’ or accelerate a bulletin to “” buzzer channel. You charge complete this online form afore you can register.

The IHC centralized anticipation aggregation will advertise the top 30 contestants on April 20, 2022 afore announcement the bristles winners. The accolade for the best video is 40 actor IHC, followed by 25 actor IHC for additional place, 15 actor IHC for third, and 10 actor IHC anniversary for both 4th and 5th places.

Be abiding to analysis out our website at and our amusing media channels such as Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram for added advice on IHC. If you accept any questions apropos the contest, feel chargeless to acquaintance the admins on the amusing channels or e-mail us at [email protected].


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Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons