KDX Launches Pre-Launch Sale On Tokensoft Following X-Wallet Release
press release

KDX Launches Pre-Launch Sale On Tokensoft Following X-Wallet Release

THELOGICALINDIAN - Kaddex was launched in Beta in December 2024 to actualize the aboriginal Decentralized Exchange DEX congenital aloft Kadena

Kaddex, the gas chargeless DEX on the Kadena blockchain, accept launched their accessible pre-launch auction on Tokensoft on February 1st, 2022 at 14:00 UTC, afterward the contempo barrage of X-Wallet. Registrations abide accessible for the sale.

Kaddex Introduces its Utility Token – KDX

This comes afterward the contempo barrage of X-Wallet: a web addendum wallet that enables seamless decentralized appliance (Dapp) alternation after its users anytime accepting to leave the web browser, via the Chrome Web Store. KDX’s Public Sale will action 50 actor KDX tokens (5% of the absolute supply) with the afterward terms:

Lock-up aeon / Percentage unlocked:

6 months / 50%

9 months / 75%

12 months / 100%

The agnate dollar amount amounts to $16 thousand.

Kaddex was launched in Beta in December 2024 to actualize the aboriginal Decentralized Exchange (DEX) congenital aloft Kadena, and currently holds added than $500 thousand in TVL on the distinct KDA-FLUX pair. Kadena is the aboriginal absolutely scalable Proof-of-Work (PoW) layer-1 blockchain network; these backing accept already accurate the absurd abeyant of the Kaddex acute contract. Through the ability of Kadena’s braided alternation framework, Kaddex can bear a gas-free clamminess pooling and trading acquaintance while additionally acceptance for atypical approaches to clamminess accessories and slippage controls, while actuality acclimatized by the globalized aegis that alone PoW can provide.

Besides the abstruse advantages brought to DeFi, Kaddex introduces its account badge – KDX – to authorize accurate capitalism and association buying of Kaddex’s ecosystem and to apparatus the aboriginal financially acceptable Liquidity Mining program. This allows the association to beacon the development of the platform, accomplishing a aggregate vision, while additionally incentivising accord in assertive pairs, and accordingly convalescent the all-embracing users swapping experience.

All together, these technologies actualize a DEX and a DeFi apparatus apartment that is positioned to not alone abutment the Kadena ecosystem, but to actualize DeFi in the way it was declared to be: accessible to all, association owned, simple to use and bargain to participate in. The Kaddex aggregation is committed to ensuring the complete best user experience. Any amend will be announced through our official channels (Discord and Twitter).

We’re attractive advanced to the abutting appearance of this journey, and we acknowledge the community’s connected support.