Kelta Cafes: Building a Robust Workplace for Blockchain Enthusiasts
press release

Kelta Cafes: Building a Robust Workplace for Blockchain Enthusiasts

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchain technology has accomplished a lot of advance in the aftermost few years The abiding peertopeer broadcast balance arrangement created by Satoshi Nakamoto was accustomed a little adventitious to survive at the antecedent date Still abounding bodies are now action on several blockchain projects The acceptance of blockchain has admiring abounding experts apprenticed appear technology According to the address appear by Techjury 90 of European banks explored blockchain in 2024

The blockchain balance has admiring abounding professionals, including investors, blockchain developers, and business experts, who accept abutting abounding blockchain projects worldwide. According to Hired, an boilerplate bacon for a blockchain developer is amid $150,000 and $175,000 per year to compare; an boilerplate software architect bacon stands at $137,000 per year.

The blockchain ambiance is adorable to experts because blockchain companies are now added advantageous than added industries’ jobs. We accept that, and we plan to body a business workspace bistro for blockchain experts in called places beyond Europe at Kelta. Currently, there are bound options for blockchain experts about the apple to accommodated and coact in person. We plan on architecture workspaces beyond Europe, and added genitalia of the world, by creating blockchain cafes. Experts common can anatomy a aggregation with investors and adventure capitalists to alpha a new blockchain activity aural Kelta cafes. The collaborative efforts are accordant with our workspace, and Kelta cafes will focus on accouterment a carefully committed ambiance to blockchain technology experts and enthusiasts. Kelta cafes developed appear creating a acting abode for bodies to altercate the latest affairs in technology. Our workplaces are advised to consistently accept an internet connection, and appropriately accommodate the blockchain teams with a acceptable ambiance for development. New account can appear in through accordant discussions, innovations can be made, and acceptable investors can abutment abeyant account to become acknowledged projects.

According to, 1.5 billion $ was aloft through IEOs (initial barter offerings) in the beforehand allotment of 2019. One of the best cogent challenges blockchain projects accept is adopting the basic for their projects. The action of advertisement on exchanges is basic accelerated and a arduous process, with top exchanges ambitious up to US$ 3 actor for advertisement their projects. Best blockchain startups cannot allow to pay up to that bulk in their projects’ antecedent stages. We accept that new blockchain addition may not be brought to activity due to the challenges of adopting capital. Kelta cafes accommodate a able-bodied ambiance for blockchain adventure capitalists to advance in blockchain projects, enabling a hassle-free money-raising environment. The action of advertisement projects and acceptance identities is alone with our workspaces.

Another botheration with blockchain’s accessible amplitude is scams; abounding projects are not added than a beautifully advised whitepaper. It is safer to say that abounding projects advance added in clear designers and added accouterments than absolutely active the projects. A blockchain intelligence firm, Diar, in their new research, appropriate that up to $100 actor in cryptocurrency has been baseborn via antecedent bread alms (ICO) avenue scams. Abounding investors may be afraid to aback new projects that are listed on exchanges. With our Kelta different blockchain workplace, assurance can bound be acquired because activity owners can physically accommodated with investors. Our accessories ensure a abandoned abode for negotiations, and deals can be bankrupt at both ends through a acknowledged team.

In the blockchain world, apprenticeship is essential; abounding abeyant users and investors don’t accept how the technology works and how it can appulse our present world. Kelta cafes will accommodate a belvedere area educators can accommodated newbies who are accommodating to alpha their careers in the blockchain industry, to actuate them on acceptable experts in the field. Our collaborative ambiance allows for able advice amid trainers and students. Acceptance can focus acknowledgment to a concentrated workspace created. Unlike added workspaces that are beneath abridged and educative. Blockchain professionals will apprentice how to monetize their abilities and atom new job opportunities in the industry with our different environment.

We will alpha the architecture of the Kelta cafes in Bratislava, Slovakia, with the abutting one in Prague, Czech Republic. The plan is to accomplish hundreds of workspaces aural a year of starting this initiative. We are activity to actualize avant-garde blockchain workspaces about the world. And planning to advance blockchain projects and professionals that will change the apple as a whole.

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