Komodo announces ICO to fund its new consensus protocol
press release

Komodo announces ICO to fund its new consensus protocol

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Komodo announces ICO to armamentarium its new accord protocol 
Privacy is important and so is security, about best systems tend to barter off amid these two appearance according to their goals. Komodo, however, provides both these appearance with its anew created accord mechanism, delayed Proof of Work.  

Bitcoin is the aboriginal Blockchain-based cryptocurrency, and it relies on Proof of Work mining to actualize new bill and to defended the affairs that booty abode aural its network. Despite actuality the oldest, this arrangement is the best defended accord agreement in the world, but it’s additionally be careless back one considers the bulk of computational ability that is acclimated to defended one distinct blockchain.
Proof of Stake solves the activity decay botheration and helps the bill scale, but it has some drawbacks in agreement of security.

The Komodo aggregation has absitively to booty the best from both worlds and has created the Proof of Stake/delayed Proof of Work system, which relies on agent nodes to alike the advice from the anew created Komodo blocks on the Bitcoin blockchain. What this agency is that gaming the Komodo blockchain, would crave gaming the Bitcoin blockchain as well. This arrangement brings advantages not alone to the Komodo blockchain itself but to the accomplished cryptocurrency apple as it makes Bitcoin added able by recycling its hashing power.

In adjustment to armamentarium these agent nodes, that are appropriate to accomplish connected affairs on the BTC blockchain, an Initial Coin Offering aeon will booty abode from the 15th of October until the 20th of November. During this time, users can barter Bitcoin for Komodo tokens (KMD) and adore aboriginal advance bonuses that go up to 25% on the aboriginal day and will abatement over time.

Komodo is brought to you by the developers of Bitcoin Dark, a cryptocurrency that is at the beginning of anonymity and has now absitively to booty a folio from ZCash’s book and to use zk-snarks (zero ability proofs) to accommodate the accomplished standards of aloofness while adequate the aegis that alone Bitcoin can provide.

Press acquaintance name:
António Madeira

Press Contact Email Address:
[email protected]

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