KP2R Network: A Decentralized Marketplace for Developers
press release

KP2R Network: A Decentralized Marketplace for Developers

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE The accomplished decade has witnessed a anarchy in acceptable accounts led by the appliance of blockchain technology Blockchain technology has apparent greater use cases back the development of arch bread Bitcoin

It has been acclimated in altered sectors of apple economics including, health, agriculture, accumulation management, accounts and abounding more. However, one area that is in charge for blockchain appliance is the online exchange industry.

Freelancing has become accepted with added accomplished workers preferring the adaptability of freelance jobs than the akin attributes of acceptable appointment jobs. This has led to a different industry area bodies assignment accidentally and get paid for their services. Acceptable freelance exchange like Upwork, Fiverr and acquiesce workers from beyond the apple in a accessory environment.

However, these platforms are not absolute and accept above flaws. They about allegation workers aerial agency fees with Fiverr and Upwork charging up to 20% and additionally apparatus a cat-and-mouse aeon afore funds are received.

Keep2r Network looks to change this by application blockchain technology to actualize a belvedere that ensures workers are able to affix with job opportunities.

What is Keep2r Network?

Keep2r Network is a decentralized belvedere that is aggressive by Andre Cronje’s Keeper Network. Cronje is a acclaimed crypto developer abaft the acknowledged YFI defi agreement and Keeper Network.

Keep2r Network is a acknowledged angle of the Keeper Network and accouterments the amount appearance of a decentralized platform. It is a decentralized belvedere for projects that charge alien developers and for development teams to acquisition jobs. This makes it about a job analogous platform.

A different belvedere for developers

Keep2r arrangement ensures that developers that assassinate jobs are adored promptly and aggregate is performed on the blockchain. The above apparatus of the Keep2r arrangement are the Keeper.

A Keeper is a appellation acclimated to call a being or aggregation that executes a job accessible on the Keep2r network. These jobs can be as simple as authoritative a transaction or circuitous off-chain programming jobs.

What makes the Keep2r network different is that it allows affairs to annals as a job for keepers who again annals to aces up accessible jobs. Also, anniversary babysitter can set up their own rules and basement based on affairs they feel are profitable.

Jobs in the belvedere are in the anatomy of a acute arrangement that requires activity from keepers. These affairs are advised to be performed appropriately and already registered can be acted aloft by keepers.

Fully decentralized

Keep2r is absolutely decentralized and associates are complex in the conception and beheading of acute affairs (Jobs). All that is appropriate for a artisan is to annals as a keeper. The action can be accomplished after KPR tokens and users can accompany with a bond.

The action again begins a bonding aeon which takes 3 canicule afterwards which you can actuate as a keeper. Once this action is completed a timestamp is registered to the Keep2r blockchain network.

Meanwhile, creating jobs is adjustable and ensures an allurement apparatus for all parties involved. This is accomplished application two altered approaches, the aboriginal is via babyminding in which a angle is submitted to accommodate the arrangement as a job. If babyminding gets accustomed again it registers as a job.

The additional way is to annals a job via the Keep2r contract. However, application this adjustment is circuitous and will actualize a awaiting babyminding vote for the job defined by the abode in the action arguments. It additionally has a absolute for a job appeal every 14 canicule application the address.

Payments are fabricated by three mechanisms including advantageous via the built-in badge KP2R, application Ethereum and clamminess provided tokens.

KP2R token

Keep2r Arrangement is powered by its built-in badge KP2R which is acclimated to admit acute affairs and additionally for acquittal of rewards on the platform. KP2R is an erc-20 badge that is congenital on the Ethereum blockchain network.

Apart from this the badge can additionally be staked for rewards and can additionally be exchanged on accepted exchanges including Uniswap.

In conclusion, Keep2r Network is an ideal belvedere for lovers of decentralized platforms with its avant-garde ideas. You can apprentice added about the badge on CoinMarketCap and apprehend about its applications on its website.


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