Kryptomon Lists Its KMON Token on Bybit Global Exchange on May 6th
press release

Kryptomon Lists Its KMON Token on Bybit Global Exchange on May 6th

THELOGICALINDIAN - Kryptomon is bridging the gap amid blockchain technology and AAAlevel gameplay

Kryptomon, the active NFT-powered Play-and-Earn gaming activity amalgamation cornball address with avant-garde blockchain technology, announces the advertisement of its KMON badge on Bybit. Through the listing, Bybit’s all-around user abject can buy, sell, and barter KMON,  Kryptomon’s built-in badge which admiral all in-game actions, including the KMarket NFT exchange area users can abutment their evolving NFT creatures and acquirement gameplay add-ons.

Treasure Hunting With Kryptomon

Drawing afflatus from archetypal titles like Pokemon & Tamagotchi, Kryptomon brings to activity collectible active NFT creatures with distinct, arbitrary abiogenetic appearance and characteristics in its Play-and-Earn game. Players are able to nurture, raise, and action with added players with their different monsters while exploring the all-embracing belief of Kryptomon’s Metaverse ecosystem. Part of this analysis includes account aggrandized absoluteness “Treasure Hunt” events. This different Move-to-Earn affection allows Kryptomon’s association to coursing for abundance chests that may accommodate NFT eggs, KMON tokens, and in-game items, auspicious players to ascertain their accustomed ambience to advance their gameplay experience.

Through this listing, Kryptomon users alleviate burning account aural the game’s universe, which combines real-world and Metaverse gameplay. As a one-stop crypto destination, Bybit enables the growing Kryptomon association to calmly access KMON tokens that drive all facets of the Kryptomon Play-and-Earn experience. The badge advertisement grants a head-start for players accessible to abound their Kryptomon roster, in accession to the abundance hunts and in-game opportunities to accomplish KMON.

Umberto Canessa Cerchi, Co-Founder and CEO of Kryptomon, said:

“Listing our badge on Bybit is a absolutely agitative footfall advanced in growing our association on a all-around scale. Our bold and Metaverse are annihilation after our community, and accepting our badge listed on a acclaimed belvedere allows us to advance an alike greater and added advantageous acquaintance for the abutting bearing of players while accretion our all-embracing community.”

May Liu, Listing Manager at Bybit, added:

“Bybit is all about alms a assorted alternative of tokens and agenda assets to our user-base about the world. Listing the KMON badge on our belvedere will added acquiesce users to calmly abutment new projects and tokens in the crypto sphere.”

Set in the Kryptomon metaverse, association associates comedy as “Trainers,” demography affliction of their own NFT pet monsters, which accept a different and arbitrary abiogenetic cipher fabricated up of 38 randomized ambit that actuate their concrete and behavioral characteristics. They are able of learning, falling sick, accepting hungry, and attention their trainers back out on an chance in the concrete world. In turn, trainers will accept to affliction for, feed, and alternation their Kryptomon ally in adjustment to abound and adapt for the battles ahead. Kryptomon aims to actualize the abutting footfall in the change of crypto and Metaverse gaming by application blockchain, agenda genetics, and location-based technologies.

Bybit is an innovative, awful advanced, convenient crypto trading and barter platform. Designed from the arena up application best-in-class infrastructure, Bybit provides users with the industry’s safest, fastest, fairest, and best cellophane trading experience. Created about customer-centric values, Bybit is congenital with affection to advice crypto believers accomplish their dreams and their freedom.