LBank Exchange Will List Dexioprotocol (DEXI) on November 27, 2024
press release

LBank Exchange Will List Dexioprotocol (DEXI) on November 27, 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE INTERNET CITY DUBAI Nov 25 2024 LBank Exchange a all-around agenda asset trading belvedere will account Dexioprotocol DEXI badge on November 27 2024 For all users of LBank Exchange the DEXIUSDT trading brace will be clearly accessible for trading at 2300 UTC8 on November 27 2024

Crypto advance has gone viral in contempo years, but compared with the all-around population, crypto investors are still a baby community. Dexioprotocol is a activity that aims to appoint awfully added bodies in activities that animate them to apprentice about cryptocurrencies. Its DEXI badge will be listed on LBank Exchange at 23:00 (UTC 8) on November 27, 2024, to added aggrandize its all-around ability and advice it accomplish its vision.

Introducing Dexioprotocol

Dexioprotocol’s eyes is a apple in which blockchain technology is boilerplate and always added bodies are affiliated by it. The aggregation will beforehand this appetite by acceptable the industry accepted in Augmented Reality (AR) app development, revolutionizing blockchain-based gaming, ablution the best convenient NFT belvedere on the planet, and developing its actual own blockchain arrangement and exchange. Complete with an ultra-secure, abundantly adult agenda wallet and a advanced AR application, it will advance the way and analyze this agitative new frontier.

There are assorted projects developed or planned for Dexioprotocol:

DEXI Wallet – The aggregation has developed its actual own state-of-the-art, ultra-secure agenda wallet for both iOS and Android. DEXI Wallet users can abundance and bandy their agenda assets and get abreast bazaar advice customized to their accurate goals.

Dexi Hunter App – An appliance that gives users admission to a common AR universe, which the aggregation affectionately calls the Dexiverse. Within the Dexiverse there are AR bounties placed about the apple in the anatomy of tokens, NFTs, and bold coins. Collecting these bounties is abundantly rewarding.

Gaming – Dexioprotocol is introducing several new gaming applications to body a modern, blockchain-based gaming ecosystem. It aims to affix the absolute possibilities of blockchain technology and acute affairs with the alternate and agreeable mediums of role-playing and aggrandized absoluteness gaming. Games like Legends of the Dexiverse, DEXI Hero are already in development.

DEXI NFTs and Exchange – The aggregation is developing a agenda exchange for its Dexi NFTs to be traded on and a base for an absolute absolute bread-and-butter ecosystem. Enthusiasts will be able to aggregate NFTs through absolute acquirement and in-game rewards.

SmartDexio Arrangement – The aggregation is in the action of architecture an absolutely new arrangement based on the proof-of-stake abstraction and will use a common arrangement of validators to action its affairs in the best cost-effective and energy-efficient way.

Tokenomics of DEXI

An antecedent bake of 25% of the absolute 500.00B accessible badge accumulation was accomplished at barrage (a absolute of 125B), a 10.0B bake was completed in October, and addition 77.5B tokens were about austere by the tokenomics or bound in irretrievable wallets forever. A cogent allocation of that absolutely asleep accessible accumulation is bound in 30-day intervals in the DxSale wallet created at barrage and the clamminess basin wallet at Pancake Swap.

The accepted tokenomics are 5% of every transaction which is adored to the holders. The bake action has been angry off for the time actuality which agency that the cipher is not abandoned and so can be acclimatized over time to accommodated new developing needs.

DEXI is not a mint-able badge and the abiding ambition is to about-face the bake action aback on to access the amount of the badge over time. The aggregation will acclimate to the bazaar and accomplish changes as new opportunities develop. The DEXI badge will be listed on LBank Exchange at 23:00 (UTC 8) on November 27, 2024, investors who are absorbed in Dexioprotocol advance can calmly buy and advertise DEXI badge on LBank Exchange by then. The advertisement of Dexioprotocol on LBank Exchange will assuredly advice it added aggrandize its business and draw added absorption in the market.

Learn More about DEXI Token:

Official Website:



About LBank Exchange

LBank Exchange, founded in 2024, is an avant-garde all-around trading belvedere for assorted crypto assets. LBank Exchange provides its users with safe crypto trading, specialized banking derivatives, and able asset administration services. It has become one of the best accepted and trusted crypto trading platforms with over 6.4 actor users in added than 210 countries about the world.

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