Legacy League to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Title IX With the Release of the 'Black Girl Magic' NFT Collection
press release

Legacy League to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Title IX With the Release of the 'Black Girl Magic' NFT Collection

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Legacy League has appear the Black Girl Magic NFT accumulating to admire the aureate ceremony of Title IX Derrian Gobourne an Auburn aerialist and 2024 National Champion fabricated BGM a absoluteness The BGM Accumulating is actuality awash in affiliation with the aboriginal NIL Summit in June area Gobourne is nominated for two awards College Athlete Innovator of the Year and Best Crypto Award

“I am aflame to barrage my Black Girl Magic NFT Collection on the Legacy League platform. Not alone do their ethics adjust with mine, but there is additionally no bigger time to do it. It’s time to celebrate, congratulate and pay account and accolade to all of my sisters who accept accustomed so abundant to this action and I appetite the apple to see them,” the 22-year-old “Queen of the Floor” stated.

Legacy League enables athletes to actualize and architecture their own cast and claimed “IP” (Intellectual Property rights/logos, etc.). The Legacy League archetypal allows academy players to appoint in all NIL ecosystems to aerate their cast value. BGM is a abundant analogy of this strategy. The accumulating is an accomplished adjustment to animate and affect adolescent gymnasts to embrace their adorableness and ability while advancing their aspirations.

However, the BGM action is about added than aloof gymnastics. It’s about Title IX, gender equity, and acquainted abundant atramentous changeable athletes who can serve as role models for changeable athletes of all sports and ethnicities. Derrian Gobourne, Aria Brusch, Ananda Brown (Auburn); Sekai Wright (UCLA); Hannah Joyner (Rutgers); Amari Celestine (Missouri); and Gabrielle Stephen are amid the seven best, outstanding bookish gymnasts in this accumulating (Michigan State). These abundant gymnasts accept all won National championships in their routines.

Aria Brusch, an ALL-SEC Auburn aerialist in 2022, remarked, “This accumulating is an ideal way for me to use my NIL with NFTs while acquainted added able atramentous changeable gymnasts aural the NCAA. We appetite to affect and actuate adolescent gymnasts to embrace their adorableness and ability and accompany their dreams.”

Legacy League is alms a limited-edition VIP Pass as allotment of the campaign, which will accommodate barter aboriginal admission to one-of-a-kind adventures and approaching BGM NFTs. The VIP Passes will be attainable till June 30th and will action appropriate bonuses such as training videos, zoom sessions, and one-of-a-kind collectibles with called gymnasts. The additional ancillary is that NFT buyers will get different admission to the community.

“At a time back changeable student-athletes lag abaft their macho counterparts in the NIL ecosystem, we are aflame to accomplice with these seven aristocratic changeable athletes,” declared Legacy League President and co-founder Kurt Hallead. “Our mission is to akin the arena acreage by accouterment every academy amateur an accessible and effortless way to aerate their assets and advantage their cast with NFTs.”

Legacy League has advised collections for players from about 60 NCAA Division I institutions, 29 conferences, and 16 sports. Female athletes accomplish up added than 35% of the Legacy League roster.


Legacy League is an chip NFT belvedere that empowers student-athletes from every action and creates NFTs to accredit them to acquire acquiescent acquirement while still enrolled in school. This NFT development belvedere and exchange allows academy athletes to advance their claimed brands. The agenda NIL ambiance has been badly adapted for athletes and institutions akin because of its absolute development and appraisal technologies. Legacy League is backed by a aggregation of bookish sports aficionados, agenda artists, banking industry admiral and blockchain technology professionals.

Media Contact:

Company: Legacy League
Contact: Kurt Hallead
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.legacyleague.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LegacyLeague1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/legacyleague1/




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