LGND Curates Major NFT Art Gallery at ComplexCon
press release

LGND Curates Major NFT Art Gallery at ComplexCon

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Austin Texas LGND Art Inc announces its foremost curatorial accomplishment to date a above NFT art appearance in the anatomy of a arcade to arise alone at ComplexCon 2024 Sponsored by Coinbase the exhibition will accommodate all-around artists in a different accumulation that includes Mad Dog Jones James Jean Joshua Davis Matt Gondek Fvckrender Michael Kozlowski Victor Mosquera Blake Kathryn DFace and Micah Johnson LGND Art will host the auctions and copy offerings from Nov 612

Aiming to accouter the overlapping communities of art, appearance and music, LGND Art will accommodate a chargeless NFT by Michael Kozlowski to all attendees of ComplexCon. This addition to NFTs to a added admirers will facilitate an amplification to an acquisitive army of ability enthusiasts.

Created by artists for artists, LGND Art empowers its aggregate of world-renowned artists to accommodate their works into the crypto ecosystem on their own terms, ability a beyond audience, and defended their agenda bequest through blockchain technology.

“LGND believes in allotment artists and the approaching of art,” says Ty Carter, Head of Creative at LGND Art. “Art is the abundant anchorperson that connects us all. The NFT average continues to advance into new forms blame new technology, transforming the way we collaborate amid the analog and virtual. LGND is appreciative to abbey this immersive arcade and assignment with this celebrated accumulation of artists.”

“I accept we accept accustomed at a advocate moment in the change of art in our culture. Working to abbey a appearance with acutely basic artists in this appearance for ComplexCon is a ablaze befalling to added blaze a activating association at the capital of art and technology,” said Ronnie K. Pirovino, Chief Curator at LGND Art.



LGND is a awful curated NFT agenda arts belvedere congenital by artists, for artists. LGND enables artists to accommodate their assignment into the NFT bazaar on their own terms, ability a all-around audience, and defended their agenda bequest through blockchain technologies. LGND fosters activating alternation and barter amid high-end collectors and world-class artists.


Media Inquiries: Hijinx PR | Heidi Johnson | [email protected] | 323.204.7246


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Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons