Lina Valentina’s “No More” NFT Collection Denounces Domestic Violence
press release

Lina Valentina’s “No More” NFT Collection Denounces Domestic Violence

THELOGICALINDIAN - Lina Valentina uses painting and added art forms to animate women to allege out adjoin calm violence

Renowned and admired feminist artisan Lina Valentina is advancing to barrage her aboriginal NFT series. Under the “No More” banner, the accumulating will coalesce women’s position aural the Web3 ambiance and accuse calm violence.

Promoting Beneficial Causes

The name Lina Valentina is alike with the aesthetic arena beyond New York and Los Angeles. Lina has created assorted impactful art on walls from New York to Brooklyn. Furthermore, her works can be begin in the best arresting abreast art galleries in Los Angeles and on the covers of INKspired and GoodweekendMag, and more. Additionally, Lina’s accord with Adidas in 2024 is still beginning in people’s minds.

Lina Valentina uses painting and added art forms to animate women to allege out adjoin calm violence, a acute amount alike today. She borrows elements from Salvator Dali and her favourite music, creating some absorbing artwork able of kickstarting a allusive conversation.

The NFT collection, dubbed “No More”, follows the aforementioned aisle as Valentina’s paintings and added artwork. It is a accolade to women who suffer[ed] from calm abandon and absitively to accuse it. Additionally, the accumulating will action adventuresomeness and achievement to women who face this corruption but abide bashful about it.” No More” will affection 7,777 different NFTs apery a changeable face.

Lina Valentina commented on her accessible collection:

“NFTs and art assume obvious, a new way for artists to accurate themselves and be heard. Many artists about me position themselves in the NFT sector. Unfortunately there are still too few changeable artists in the field, alone 5%. The “No More” alternation additionally aims to animate women to advance in this booming sector.”

The accumulating will serve several utilities as the activity unfolds, including:

The accessible “No More” NFT accumulating by Lina Valentina combines able account with a bright bulletin and has the abetment of a acclaimed artist. It may become the abutting above iconic accumulating sparking important conversations apropos a affair that is generally avoided. Additionally, Valentina affairs collaborations with acclaimed personalities, with added advice to be appear in the advancing months.

Keep tabs on the latest advice on the alternation by afterward the amusing accounts of “No More” as able-bodied as those of Lina Valentina and The Cool HeArt.