Manta Network Collects $28.8 Million From Squad Game Community Token Event
press release

Manta Network Collects $28.8 Million From Squad Game Community Token Event

THELOGICALINDIAN - The badge auction saw boundless accord from the Manta association allowance the activity beforehand appear the abutting date of development as Polkadot parachain auctions commence

Manta Network, the DeFi aloofness assemblage on Polkadot, has aloft accession $28.8 actor in basic afterwards affairs 80 actor $MANTA account tokens during its Squad Game badge bearing accident hosted by Tokensoft. The account tokens, which are deflationary and austere through arrangement usage, admission holders on-chain community-governance rights in accession to rewards for MantaPay and MantaSwap acceptance fees.

Manta Network has developed several altered platforms and protocols advised to advance the aegis and aloofness of the DeFi ecosystem.

The badge sale, which represents 8% of the 1 billion anchored accumulation of $MANTA tokens, saw boundless accord from the Manta community, allowance the activity beforehand appear the abutting date of development as Polkadot parachain auctions commence. The able after-effects from the association badge bearing accident mark the latest fundraising anniversary for a agreement that has already bankrupt two allotment circuit in 2025, including a $1.1 actor annular led by Polychain Capital and addition $5.5 actor in October led by CoinFund and ParaFi Capital.

Aimed at authoritative on-chain aloofness a account through scalability and interoperability, Manta Network has developed several altered platforms and protocols advised to advance the aegis and aloofness of the DeFi ecosystem. The platform’s DeFi-oriented aloofness protocols are advised to add a band of anonymity to DeFi affairs by obfuscating user addresses through the appliance of zero-knowledge proofs accepted as zk-SNARKS and Groth16 proofs. For users transacting in ample amounts, this can advice affectation portfolio administration activities.

With aloofness acceptable an more important aspect of blockchain activity, Manta Network represents one of the beat platforms gluttonous to bear these attributes in a layer-1 architecture instead of a layer-2 solution. The platform’s protocols awning assorted areas of the DeFi ecosystem, including MantaSwap, an automatic bazaar maker decentralized barter (DEX) and Mantapay, a acquittal agreement with anchored privacy. Manta Network is additionally architecture a clandestine acute arrangement platform, which additionally leverages zero-knowledge proofs, to arrange privatized decentralized applications, acceptance developers to body assorted decentralized applications on these platforms and aggrandize the Manta Network ecosystem.

Already, the belvedere has approved its awful autonomous attributes afterwards auctioning an IDO for its again Kusama-based Calamari bare network. Now, Manta Arrangement is advancing for the abutting date of its development activity with the accessible Polkadot parachain auctions. At present, users accept already apprenticed $130 actor to its crowdloan action as parachain auctions commence. DOT holders still can accord to the crowdloan with $MANTA rewards.

Manta Network is focused on architecture a bigger Web 3.0 with aloofness guarantees advised from the aboriginal principle: applying cutting-edge cryptographic constructions such as zkSNARKs to bear end-to-end aloofness guarantees for blockchain applications. The activity delivers this agreement while prioritizing interoperability, ease-of-use, aerial achievement and auditability. What this translates into for the user is on-chain aloofness in transacting and swapping any parachain assets. Investors accommodate Alameda Research, Polychain Capital, DeFiance Capital, CoinFund, ParaFi Capital, LongHash Ventures, SkyVision Capital, Zee Prime Capital, The Spartan Group, Divergence Capital, SNZ Holding, CMS Holdings, Global Coin Ventures, ConSensys, Digital Currency Group, and more.