Metaverse Dualchain Network Architecture (DNA) Continues Global Expansion and Announces a Successful First Quarter in 2024
press release

Metaverse Dualchain Network Architecture (DNA) Continues Global Expansion and Announces a Successful First Quarter in 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - April 27th 2024 Toronto Canada The Metaverse DNA all-around aggregation appear cogent advance on the DNA Dualchain Network Architecture Blockchain action during the ages of March closing the aboriginal division of 2024 with abundant after-effects The DNA badge is now listed on 14 crypto exchanges Metaverse DNA CEO Eric Gu alternate in abounding online interviews from notable media outlets and the supernode voting action connected to run calmly with over 112 billion votes in the latest annular appearance new almanac highs

The DNA Chain congenital by Metaverse is a next-generation scalable and interoperable decentralized ecosystem, allotment users and enterprises with an arrangement of appearance like near-instant transactions, on-chain identity, oracles and able-bodied security.

Interviews, AMAs & Online Promotional Activities

During the ages of March, Metaverse DNA CEO Eric Gu alternate in 5 online interviews to altercate Metaverse DNA and allotment his insights on blockchain technology. These online interviews included:

March 1: “A Dark Horse (Metaverse DNA) Rises in Public Chain Competition” by MXC Digital Exchange
March 6: “Metaverse DNA: the Rise of a Dark Horse in Public Chain Competition” by BTC123
March 11: “Metaverse DNA: the Fever of Public Chain Continues” by BitZ
March 14: “With US Stocks Melting Down and BTC Plunging, How to Find a Way Out for the Blockchain Industry” by BW Dialogue
March 16: “Internal Causes of the alternation amid BTC and US stocks” by MIDU

In these interviews, Mr. Gu provided an all-embracing account of Metaverse DNA’s technology plans, analyzed the advance affairs from the blockchain industry, and aggregate belief of his advance experience, entrepreneurship and approaching goals. On March 20, Metaverse DNA Global Strategy Advisor – Alex Lightman sat in with Finwise Consensus Machine for an online AMA session. An extract from the interview:

“My ambition is to try to add value, and to try to advice Metaverse DNA become actual successful. Metaverse DNA is an accomplished blockchain team, and it builds aloft the amount aesthetics of Eric Gu, who was the aboriginal being to do an ICO in China. So he’s the original, he’s the pioneer. And the Five Components of Metaverse DNA are by far the best accepted accessible alternation solutions.”

Lightman went on to say:

“Metaverse DNA has a aerial amount of accord overseas, and the amount abstruse teams of Ethereum, Graphene and Polkadot are alive calm on development projects. I’ve been in acquaintance with and brash abounding blockchain companies, and appropriate now I’m added optimistic about Metaverse DNA than most, if not all of them. And I’m absolutely accustomed and beholden to metaverse for agreeable me to be DNA Global Advisor.”

To accept to the abounding Finwise Consensus Machine account with Alex Lightman, appointment this link:

Metaverse DNA Listed on 14 Crypto Exchanges

In the accomplished month, Metaverse DNA connected to aggrandize in the accessory bazaar and was successively listed on several able-bodied accustomed exchanges such as MXC, BitZ, BW, Coinsuper, Bibox, Biki and Hotbit. With avant-garde abstruse strengths and bazaar operations, Metaverse DNA could potentially be listed on added top trading platforms in the abreast approaching – acceptance added investors to advance in DNA and accordingly enhance its value.

Supernode Election Votes Reaches 11.2 Billion – A New Record High

The cardinal of votes in the aboriginal four circuit of supernode elections were 5 billion, 6.5 billion, 7.6 billion, and 9.3 billion, respectively. On March 9th, Metaverse DNA completed its 5th supernode acclamation with a absolute of 10.5 billion votes. On March 26, the absolute cardinal of votes for the 6th supernode acclamation accomplished 11.2 billion – ambience a new almanac high.

The abiding access in the cardinal of votes shows the able aplomb the association has in Metaverse DNA. The supernode candidates accommodate all-around industry agencies, blockchain communities, agenda asset administration platforms, and blockchain media outlets.

The adopted supernodes not alone allotment cogent controlling rights on the approaching development of Metaverse DNA, but they additionally accept the obligation to accord to developing the DNA ecosystem. They will assignment carefully with the Metaverse DNA aggregation to accordingly addition the avant-garde development of blockchain technology.

Events in Ho Chi Minh

As the DNA association continues to abound about the globe, one notable hotspot has been Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The burghal is now home to the DNA Hangout, which is a rooftop amplitude for DNA’s approaching contest in Vietnam. The amplitude had its alpha accident on March 5th with over 30 attendees including assembly from VNG Corporation, RMIT University, Kingdom Game, Incognito, VIC Group, Clover Solutions.

$12,000 Bounty Program Concludes

March saw the acknowledged cessation of DNA’s 3-month compensation affairs with over 850 participants demography part. The compensation included a all-around agent initiative, artefact trials, a amusing media program, and a agreeable conception challenge. The amusing media affairs led to a 300% Twitter addict increase, 520% Facebook addict increase, and a 430% Telegram affiliate increase. For the agent program, over 50 applications were accustomed from ambitious ambassadors from all over the apple including the United Kingdom, Germany, Philippines, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt and more.

Timeline of Metaverse DNA’s Progress

Click and aggrandize on this beheld timeline ( to see Metaverse DNA’s advance in 2020. Despite boxy bazaar altitude in March, Metaverse DNA has apparent abiding advance in abounding aspects of their business and the aggregation is already alive on agitative developments for the abutting quarter.

To break abreast with the latest updates from Metaverse Dualchain Network Architecture (DNA), appointment


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