Nexxus Ecosystem to Create Density of Adoption with Token Sale
press release

Nexxus Ecosystem to Create Density of Adoption with Token Sale

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Plano, TX: Nexxus announces its ecosystem to abode one of the better challenges for bitcoin articular by Andreas Antonopoulos at the 2024 Blockchain Africa Conference, as the Density of Adoption. Andreas declared “You can’t do best of the things, yet, that ability be actual absorbing markets and the acumen you can’t do them is because there’s not abundant liquidity, there’s not abundant users, there’s not abundant adoption”.

Nexxus is announcement boilerplate accessible acceptance by introducing bitcoin and cryptocurrency to bounded communities common with concrete cryptocurrency cafes, a arrangement of cryptocurrency ATMs, an avant-garde client rewards program, and cryptocurrency apprenticeship and certification.

The Nexxus ecosystem technology includes the Nexxus Rewards all-around rewards association and bartering affairs at, the Nexxus University cryptocurrency apprenticeship and acceptance affairs at, the Nexxus accumulated action and controlling administration aggregation at, and the centralized bill and agenda badge of the Nexxus ecosystem at
The Nexxus go-to-market action includes viral business acquirement sharing, a certified absolute sales force, a association beat program, and a analytical accumulation action to actualize a cogent absorption of merchants and shoppers in bounded communities worldwide.

Nexxus architect and CEO, Bob Wood states, “Nexxus is facilitating bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a huge movement that is bigger than all confusing technologies in avant-garde history combined, because we’re now abolition the ability anatomy of the political and banking enactment – the people’s money”.

Nexxus is additionally administering a agenda badge auction on May 8, 2017 at The Nexxus agenda badge is the centralized bill acclimated for amount barter aural the Nexxus ecosystem of cryptocurrency articles and services, agnate to the Ether badge on the Ethereum platform. Nexxus agenda tokens are acclimated as the cash-back accolade credibility accustomed to shoppers by merchants for every transaction in any bill including bounded authorization currencies, credit/debit cards, cash, bitcoin and added top cryptocurrencies. Every acquirement in any bill causes Nexxus agenda tokens to be purchased from the accessible bazaar to accomplish the accepted accolade points. Nexxus agenda tokens accept automatic client appeal from the Nexxus ecosystem.

About Nexxus Partners: Nexxus Partners is a casework aggregation for the bitcoin and cryptocurrency industry, and is the developer of the Nexxus ecosystem, which includes the Nexxus Global Rewards Community that is the aboriginal bounded bitcoin adherence rewards affairs demography cryptocurrency mainstream, the Nexxus University that provides the apprenticeship and acceptance for bodies to account from the new peer-to-peer cyberbanking banknote system, the Nexxus Bartering affairs for bounded users to barter their exceptionable or surplus articles and casework with anniversary added in cryptocurrency, and the Nexxus HandUp affairs to abetment the beneath advantageous with the allowances of cryptocurrency.

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