NFTs Accessible to All With Launch of Fiat-Focused SIMBA Market
press release

NFTs Accessible to All With Launch of Fiat-Focused SIMBA Market

THELOGICALINDIAN - The belvedere will action curated brands the befalling to advertise their NFTs in their own agenda space

SIMBA Chain, the arch provider of blockchain action solutions, has appear the barrage of its new non-fungible badge (NFT) exchange SIMBA Market. The platform, which will affection collections from a array of acclaimed names in sports and ball from the outset, will action curated brands the befalling to advertise their NFTs in their own agenda space.

SIMBA Market’s Official Launch

SIMBA Market clearly launches on June 23, 2022, featuring agenda collectibles by globally accustomed snowboard architect Kemper Snowboards. Next, the belvedere will absolution assignment by the International Hockey Federation (FIH) to accompany with their Women’s World Cup demography abode July 1-17 in Spain and Netherlands. In accession to beheld properties, both collections appear via SIMBA Market will additionally action assertive utilities, such as concrete products, absolute admission to events, artefact discounts, and more.

Jib Hunt, CEO of Kemper Snowboards, said:

“We capital to actualize an acquaintance for our barter and admirers above the winter months – accumulation the agenda and concrete realms. We chose SIMBA Market because we capital our association to be able to buy our NFTs as calmly as they would any of our products.”

Providing a simple user interface, SIMBA Market offers brands the adeptness to actualize absolutely different adventures for their admirers by leveraging blockchain technology. SIMBA Market is congenital on Polygon to ensure low NFT minting and transaction fees, as able-bodied as a low carbon footprint, whilst still alms admission to Ethereum platforms with the Polygon-Ethereum bridge.

In adverse to added NFT marketplaces that ambition adept Web3 and cryptocurrency investors, SIMBA Market provides a Web2-oriented user acquaintance that can be acclimated by anyone behindhand of their blockchain and cryptocurrency background. When application SIMBA Market, consumers can calmly acquirement agenda collectibles application acclaim or debit cards, aloof like with any added account online.

Bryan Ritchie, CEO of SIMBA Chain, said:

“We congenital SIMBA Market to accredit brands from all industries, from sports to music and entertainment, to carbon credits, to acquaint their communities to Web3 after the charge for any crypto understanding. This is in band with our mission to accompany Web3 to the world.”

To added differentiate itself from best abreast NFT marketplaces and access its address to boilerplate audiences, SIMBA Market’s alms is absolutely curated. Partners and producers are called based on their needs, audience, and added factors, with the platform’s focus actuality entertainment, sports, and esports companies.

SIMBA Market’s focus on artlessness and acquaintance enables acceptable brands to baby to their absolute communities, rather than aloof alms to a bound crypto audience. The antecedent barrage will bear authorization purchasing and a simple and automatic user acquaintance for brands to calmly ambition their absolute communities, forth with the savvier crypto community. In the advancing months, SIMBA Market will assignment on implementing added agitative features, such as the adeptness to resell, acquirement NFTs with crypto, and more.

SIMBA Chain (short for Simple Blockchain Applications) has simplified blockchain app development by removing complexities complex and authoritative the technology attainable by all, behindhand of their blockchain know-how. The NFT marketplace, SIMBA Market, is advised for non-crypto and crypto enthusiasts alike, with simple UX, authorization purchasing, and iconic brands beyond sports, ball and gaming. The belvedere auto-generates APIs that abutment both accessible and clandestine blockchains and is advised for any developer to calmly accept through drag-and-drop smart-contract building. Incubated at the University of Notre Dame, SIMBA Chain allows barter to arrange blockchain applications after spending huge sums of time and assets on hiring consultants or tech experts. Using SIMBA Chain’s cloud-based platform, any developers, companies, universities, amid others, can calmly body Web 3.0 solutions.