9D NFT Prepares for December Launch of First Martial Arts NFT MMO Game in SEA

9D NFT Prepares for December Launch of First Martial Arts NFT MMO Game in SEA

THELOGICALINDIAN - Martial Arts NFT MMO bold 9D NFT is advancing for its official multiplatform barrage in December afterward a acknowledged alpha analysis and an IDO blame off the COGI Crypto Online Gaming Infrastructure ingame economy

9D NFT will be the aboriginal all-encompassing MMO bold amalgam NFTs and cryptocurrency into its amount gameplay systems. An activity RPG set in the age of allegory and aggressive combat, the bold will affection acute PVE and PVP gameplay that provides both in-game rewards and tokens, adorning the acquaintance above “play for fun” to “play to earn.”

“Many users accept played MMORPGs back they were young,” said Henry Pham, Game Design Manager at GIHOT Studio. “We appetite to animate that memory, that trend again, but this time it will be altered from the past; your absolute ‘play for fun’ acquaintance will accompany absolute amount into your real-life through Blockchain technology.”

9D NFT has appear to accomplishment with the advice of abounding investors and partners, which accommodate BSCStation, AVA Capital, ExNetwork Capital, TokenSuite, Avior Venture, ZBS CAPITAL, Moniwar, BV CAPITAL, and abounding added still in the action of negotiation. $2.9 actor has already been raised, and the activity launched its IDO on BSCStation.

Unlike minigames that agilely advance cryptocurrencies and NFTs, this is a full-featured, massively multiplayer activity RPG. The antecedent barrage on PC, Android, and iOS is alone the aboriginal footfall in a multi-year, multi-region roadmap: The aboriginal footfall of a beyond COGIVERSE that will amount the globe.

COGIVERSE ecosystem will serve as the baseline for a beyond MMO-style Metaverse spanning beyond 5 continents with their altered feudalisms.

Using COGI, players will actualize and adapt a appearance from one of bristles sects 9DNFT has to action based on Southeast Asian belief and mythology, specializing in the Staff, Bow, Zither, Blade, or Sword. They will commence on a adventure to analyze alarming new acreage while accommodating in brotherhood activities, abandoned quests and monster hunting, PVP competitions, tournaments, and more.

All this gameplay is awarded with COGI and COD (Crystals of Dragon) tokens, and aural a few months, players may activate to about-face a accumulation by competing, advertent attenuate items that are changeable for NFTs, and trading with others. Even accustomed activities like killing monsters on the map or in dungeons accept a adventitious to aftermath admired tokens and NFT items, managed via the Binance Smart Chain.

The rules and guidelines for the in-game economy, as able-bodied as the tokenomics, apportionment supply, and so on, are declared in a absolute Whitepaper. It will be fair and reasonable to all players, with a best of one year to compensate any COGI acclimated in appearance creation. But there will additionally be added opportunities for players to advance application in-game systems like Staking, accession acquirement from the Treasury, and added options. More advice on these appearance will be fabricated accessible in 2022.

Early acknowledgment from added than 999 testers was actual absolute and provided admired commentary, acceptable the development of the absolution version. In fact, the COGI holder association will be consulted on the bold and bazaar development regularly, including voting sessions apropos new features.

After the SEA-based aboriginal phase, a Europe-focused activity will add wizards, witches, warriors, and belief aggressive by Norse belief into the mix. After that added continents and cultures will be added over the 8-year roadmap.

This will aggrandize the address of the belvedere above Asia to a all-around audience. A complete multilingual adaptation of the bold is in development to accompany the expansion.

Naturally, back money is complex there are apprenticed to be worries about cheating, but blow assured; 9D NFT is anchored adjoin such a blackmail by assorted systems. The applicant and server will collaborate via an encrypted TCP socket, and are application accurate anti-cheat systems that accept operated for years in assorted countries, so players can be assertive the antagonism will be fair and genuine. Of course, the bold is advised to abstain any “pay to win” elements as well!

Players can attending advanced to the game’s barrage this December.

“We would like to accurate our centermost acknowledgment to all of you who accept accompanied 9D NFT,” said Pham. “With 10 years of acquaintance in bold development and operation, our aggregation can confidently accord and accompany the best amount to the community.”