PARSIQ, IQ, and 1 Million PRQ
press release

PARSIQ, IQ, and 1 Million PRQ

THELOGICALINDIAN - PARSIQ is acquisitive to advice projects advantage the possibilities of DeFi via the IQ Protocol

DeFi is growing fast, and PARSIQ is aiming to become a key allotment of the movement.

The Rise of DeFi

The apple is witnessing the bearing of a new era in the apple of all-around finance. Blockchain, and all that its technologies enable, will advance to become the de facto accepted of how affairs will anon be conducted globally. The advantages and accessibility that these technologies action are so astronomic that the apple will one day admiration how it anytime lived after them.

In the apple of cryptocurrencies, things are affective fast. In particular, 2021 has apparent a turbo-charged acceleration in the breadth of decentralized accounts (DeFi). The Total Value Locked (TVL), which represents the cardinal of assets that are currently staked in a specific protocol, has quintupled back the alpha of the year. The TVL ailing at over $97 billion at the alpha of September, afore falling to about $80 billion in contempo weeks.

Despite the contempo cooling of the market, there is no agnosticism that DeFi is actuality to stay, and that absorption amid the accepted accessible and institutional investors is rising, as compassionate about this new archetypal of lending in accounts increases.

The Launch of IQ Protocol

Recognizing the alteration tides in all-around finance, PARSIQ launched the IQ Agreement earlier this year. It alien the aboriginal risk-free, collateral-less DeFi agreement to tokenize subscription-as-a-service (SaaS) in the DeFi amplitude with a annular economy.

While the barrage of IQ additionally launched PARSIQ into the branch of DeFi, its absorbed extends far above this application. As an open-source protocol, any activity can advance IQ to fit their needs and advantage all of the capabilities that IQ offers. PARSIQ provides three levels of service, dubbed the “Threemium model,” including:

PARSIQ’s Entry into the DeFi World

With the IQ launch, PARSIQ additionally became the protocol’s aboriginal customer, demography advantage of all that the new agreement had to offer: creating a decentralized subscription-as-a-service archetypal for all companies absent to advantage all of the allowances offered by the blockchain technology.

At a aerial level, PARSIQ created a basin absorbed to a acute contract. However, clashing added pools such as Uniswap, this one doesn’t crave users to bout deposited tokens with addition token. Therefore, users alone accumulation PRQ tokens that they may be absorbed in lending to others.

By staking PRQ into IQ, the basin mints an iPRQ NFT (Interest PRQ), which is again broadcast to the stakeholder. This serves as affidavit that PRQ was placed into the pool. When users hire the PRQ deposited by the stakeholder, the basin mints a captivated adaptation of the PRQ, dubbed Power Tokens (pTokens), which are again issued to the renter. From the fee the bedfellow paid for renting the tokens, an iInterest is paid to the stakeholder whose tokens were busy out. The PRQ doesn’t leave the basin at any point, so the stakeholder can blow assured that their aboriginal tokens abide safe.

Since ablution IQ for its own cable archetypal at the end of June 2021, PARSIQ has apparent its TVL abound accomplished 19 actor PRQ (more than $10 actor at the time of writing), with over 7 actor PRQ currently actuality busy and earning admired crop and absorption for the stakeholders. Absorption in this new artefact is growing and developing aural the association as added and added individuals apprentice about the possibilities that IQ brings to DeFi. Several projects accepting active up to use the IQ Protocol for their own tokenomics, including Mysterium, CDzExchange, and Coreto.

PRQ Incentive Program and IQ Protocol Governance Token

PARSIQ afresh appear the barrage of a 1 actor PRQ allurement program, which allows all acceptable IQ Basin participants to acquire rewards. The allurement will be aggregate proportionally amidst wallets accouterment clamminess to the renting basin from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021. Rewards will be vested for four months, with 25% apart on Feb. 1, 2022, with according unlocks every ages consecutive on the 1st, and the final alleviate occurring on May 1, 2022. Once the funds are unlocked, acceptable wallets will be able to affirmation them.

At the time of the snapshot, all liquidity-providing participants will additionally be acceptable for the airdrop of the new IQ Protocol babyminding badge if accommodating in the PRQ pool. It’s accepted to access in the aboriginal bisected of 2022. PARSIQ affairs to allotment added capacity apropos the IQ babyminding badge in the advancing months. However, afore then, PARSIQ is affable any crypto activity that could advantage IQ in an accomplishment to brace the account of their project’s token.

PARSIQ, IQ, and the Continuing Evolution of DeFi

The blockchain industry continues to abound and advance at a alarming pace. While DeFi has been about for several years, it is still actual aboriginal in the industry, abnormally in allegory to acceptable banking casework markets today. PARSIQ has accustomed the cogent abeyant that this amplitude has, and is accessible to booty a position aboriginal on and advice added crypto projects to do the same.

As this acreage continues to grow, projects should appraise how their accepted models angle to booty advantage of the exponential advance that is accepted to access in the consecutive years. With so abundant to anticipate through, accede extensive out to PARSIQ for added advice on how to advantage this growing amplitude and acquirements about how IQ Protocol could help.