Introducing the Polars Big Trading Competition

Introducing the Polars Big Trading Competition

THELOGICALINDIAN - TheBig Trading Competition on the testnet starts on December 3 2024 with a award-winning basin of 300k NFT and 30 Airdrop In this commodity we will accommodate all the all-important advice for this accident You can aback actuality every time you accept questions as actuality we allotment advice on how to accomplish money and get all the allowances Read this commodity anxiously as it contains advice on how to annals in theBig Trading Competition what altitude you charge to accomplish in adjustment to accept the award-winning Airdrop allotment what you charge to do to get prizes for top100 users how to acquire bags of POL tokens on thereferral affairs based on testnet trading aggregate how to access your after-effects by accommodating in the marketingbounty affairs and abundant more

To get started, watch this video on how Polars works:

Additionally, you can appointment the Polars website and apprehend an commodity on the Basic abstraction of Polars and its Business model. For a added abstraction of Polars dapp, you can arch to the docs section. If you appetite to abstraction the advice about the trading antagonism in added detail — you can go through this article.

Let’s Go!

Registration in the Big Trading Competition consists of 3 abbreviate stages (Info Bot — Referral Bot — Google Form):

If you need, you can acquisition added details here.

Each actor will be awarded 500 analysis USDT (HECO Chain Testnet). The assignment of anniversary user aural 10 canicule of the trading antagonism is to aerate the antecedent deposit. To do this, users can buy, advertise and barter arctic WHITE and BLACK tokens, accomplish predictions, trade, adjudge and add assets to liquidity.

In adjustment to participate in accepting rewards, the user charge advance an alive cachet for all 10 canicule of the trading competition. To do this, you charge to accomplish at atomic one alive activity per day (Prediction, trade, arbitrage). If the user is not active, he will not authorize for the airdrop. But the user will be able to abide to action for the top100 back it will booty actually a few super-active canicule to win.

How to affix HECO Chain to your Metamask and get analysis HTs apprehend here.

Additionally, in adjustment to accept awards, anniversary user needs to complete the simple tasks of sponsors and partners, back it is from their assets that best of the award-winning armamentarium consists. We accept acquaint the account of sponsor tasks and sizes of rewards in a abstracted article here

You accept already registered in the referral bot when registering for the Big Trading Competition. This is abundant to booty allotment in the event. But if you appetite to allure referrals and accomplish money on their trading volume, you charge to get your own barometer link. And for this, your wallet charge accept at atomic 500 POL.

You can buy the appropriate POL here:
(bPOL Contract: 0x8a9c889e60ee674f0d55075fa0d60fb05e1a7aee)

In adjustment to accept rewards for your own trading aggregate on the Polars platform, you charge to accept at atomic 10,000 bPOL in your wallet.

If you need, you can acquisition added capacity about the barometer affairs and trading aggregate rewards here.

In apprehension of the official barrage of the capital Polars network, and the alpha of the Big Trading Competition on the testnet, we are ablution a account compensation affairs with a accolade basin of 100,000 POL per Week.

Each user can accompany in commutual assignments for Polars and for our sponsors and partners. Each completed assignment will accord a assertive cardinal of points. During the week, new tasks will be added and you will be able to access the cardinal of credibility earned. At the end of the week, we will account the credibility and administer 100 POLs to the top1000 participants. (100000 POL in total)

The abutting anniversary will alpha counting again. Each user can win for several weeks in a row. There are no restrictions.

If you need, you can acquisition added capacity about the compensation affairs with screenshots here.

In adjustment to participate in the administration of attenuate actual NFTs from our sponsors and partners, you charge accept at atomic 500 bPOL in your wallet at the time of distribution. The added tokens you accept in your wallet, the added affairs you accept to get into the administration lists. Conclusion: If you accept activated your annual and are captivation tokens to accept barometer rewards, you will automatically participate in NFT Distributions.

The ambition of the Polars aggregation during this accident is to accustom anniversary of you with the belvedere and its mechanisms of earning money. In our experience, no one charcoal aloof practically. A few weeks afterwards the end of the trading antagonism on the testnet, we will be cat-and-mouse for you at the abutting trading competition, but this time on the mainnet.