Pocket Network Announces Closing of Its Strategic Private Sale to Accelerate Network Development & Global Expansion
press release

Pocket Network Announces Closing of Its Strategic Private Sale to Accelerate Network Development & Global Expansion

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Pocket Network exceeded 56000000 in account revenues in December agreement it in the Top Five acquirement ambassador for blockchains globally before abounding able-bodied accepted chains

Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S.A – 6th January 2022 Pocket Network – an basement middleware agreement that provides decentralized billow accretion and abounding bandwidth on abounding nodes to added applications beyond 20 blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Solana and Harmony has bankrupt a cardinal annular of $10 Million led by Republic Capital, RockTree Capital, Arrington Capital and C2 Ventures, as able-bodied as added notable participants such as Coinshares, Decentral Park Capital and Dominance Ventures.

Pocket Network has gone from tens of bags of account relays at the alpha of 2024 to over two billion relays in a distinct anniversary in December and is rapidly ascent as appeal from L1s and dApps for its casework increases. For the ages of December, relays were 5.5 Billion compared to 89M 12 months earlier.

Since July, Pocket Network’s acceptance has added than angled monthly, abstinent in “relays” which are API calls candy by the protocol. Just this accomplished week, it bankrupt its boilerplate circadian almanac by confined 300M relays. The advance in arrangement acceptance has resulted in agnate bulge advance on a arrangement now served by over 18,000 nodes run by hundreds of absolute association parties and providers.

With absolute arrangement acquirement beyond $56 Million in the ages of December, Pocket Arrangement is already analogously amidst the Top 5 acquirement producers for all blockchains and blockchain applications globally (source abstracts from Token Terminal*), while actual almost beneath the alarm until now, including accepting revenues before that of Solana, Elrond, Harmony, and best DeFi protocols.

“Today in blockchain, the appraisal of a activity is based on its absolute achievement and absolute metrics. In Pocket Network, we accept baldheaded a gem that is ascent at bastardize acceleration and its achievement is assessable onchain. Many exchanges and dApps are still codicillary today on Web2 centralized billow accretion and hosting providers which can account cher outages back they go down. RockTree believes Pocket Network is analytical basement for the Web3 revolution, that offers accurate decentralization and connected uptime for a multi-chain blockchain future. Just attending at the onchain data” said Omer Ozden, CEO of RockTree Capital, a armamentarium and merchant coffer focused on projects at the antecedent of Asia and North America. “I appetite to add that it is Pocket’s aerial affection aggregation and administration that has fabricated it an accessible best for RockTree to be their Asia accomplice and invest.”

Building on its already ample association of bags of bulge runners Pocket Network aims to calibration into the trillions of relays per day, advance beyond hundreds of bags of abounding nodes aural the abutting 5 years.

“We’re abundantly aflame to abutment Pocket Network in its mission to incentivize L1 decentralization. We are believers in abounding altered ecosystems — including Terra, Algorand & Polkadot — and accept the charge for advanced bulge administration at the abject layer. Ultimately, POKT is analytical to acceptable the abiding robustness and antifragility of the absolute crypto-ecosystem”, said Michael Arrington, Founder of Arrington Capital.

“Pocket Network’s market-based access to basement appropriately demonstrates how Web3-native casework can outcompete Web2 incumbents both in economics and performance. For blockchain app developers and bulge runners alike, Pocket is a bright no-brainer.” added Alex Ye, Managing Director, of Republic Crypto.

We appear beforehand this year the cardinal affiliation with Rocktree Capital, who is allowance advance the all-around dispatch of our attendance into all of the above blockchain markets. Today we are aflame to advertise the connected dispatch of this plan through the cardinal partnerships formed in this auction with Republic, Arrington Capital and abounding aerial appulse players accouterment amount to the accomplished Pocket Network ecosystem.– Michael O’Rourke, CEO of Pocket Network

Pocket Network is targeting accretion developer acceptance and bulge advantage through assorted initiatives, including an all-encompassing multi-jurisdictional amplification into the Asia-Pacific arena in the advancing year.

About Pocket Network

*Token Terminal will broadcast abounding acquirement abstracts for Pocket Network on January 5th

Pocket Network, a blockchain abstracts ecosystem for Web3 applications, is a belvedere congenital for applications that uses cost-efficient economics to alike and administer abstracts at scale. It enables seamless and defended interactions amid blockchains and beyond applications. With Pocket, the use of blockchains can be artlessly chip into websites, adaptable apps, IoT and more, giving developers the abandon to put blockchain enabled applications into the “pocket” of every boilerplate consumer.

RockTree Capital, a merchant coffer and armamentarium based in China focused on blockchain projects and adaptable e-commerce companies, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, New York and Toronto. RockTree Capital invests into top-tier blockchain projects and accelerates their advance in Asia.

Arrington Basic is a agenda asset administration close primarily focused on blockchain-based basic markets. The firm, founded in 2024 by TechCrunch and CrunchBase architect Michael Arrington and TechCrunch CEO Heather Harde, has over $1 billion beneath administration and has invested in hundreds of startups beyond the world.

Republic Capital is a arch advance belvedere that provides admission to startup, absolute estate, crypto, and gaming investments for both retail and accepted investors. Republic has facilitated over $700 actor in investments by our all-around association of over one actor members

C2 Ventures is a chain-agnostic adventure fund, focused on allotment builders with basic as able-bodied as operational ability to advance and calibration the abutting bearing of arch Web3 and Metaverse applications.

For added information, visit: Pocket Network




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