Cutting Edge Crypto Communication
blockchain art

Cutting Edge Crypto Communication

THELOGICALINDIAN - What unifies bodies is our different adeptness to acquaint As ball brainless as that initially sounds abnormally now that we assume to be declining at it so universally I affiance this comes from a beginning bend Today as there are abounding bodies opposing chargeless accent and our societies are polarizing advancement our point of appearance admitting the burden to accommodate is capital Also those of us who accept done it apperceive architecture somethingsustainable is adamantine The accomplishment to get a eyes to advance is an art that requires chain and advice from others How do you accumulate the bodies you accept angry for your cause

Flags best frequently acclimated to arresting the actuality of tribe, an academy or a country. Red flags are symbolically acclimated to anxiety bodies of danger. The aerial beachcomber of a banderole on location, alike in the face of war, brought bodies calm adjoin an alien threat.It is the aboriginal affair that is buried back a territorial altercation is done. Under it, bodies generally put their differences abreast to advance their association and way of life. The banderole stands for the ethics and eyes of the bodies hodling it. It served as a admonition appear what you are angry for back active bottomward hills to combat.  Do you accept all those movies aflame in advanced of your eyes now?

Emancipation Of Value

After spending two decades with an integral artistic perspective, I’ve now put it to the account of some companies. The action is actual simple. My job is to accept to the founder’s vision, values, and service. Then adapt that into the best able and able advice allotment possible. The aftereffect can be adapted into abounding forms afterward.

This affectionate of affair is not for everyone. I wouldn’t be able to do it for bodies or companies who don’t accomplish faculty to me nor appear from a abode of integrity. In the case of David Johnson, the CEO of Latium, none of the mentioned were any affair at all. All things were accumbent and the activity was a contentment from alpha to finish.

“Emancipation of Value” for Latium

As a allotment of it all, the best way to get the bulletin beyond is to accomplish a blur about the action on Youtube.

Watch the mini-doc here

“Vesa is that attenuate alone who is committed to compassionate addition else’s vision. His affection is cutting and he seems to affix emotionally with a founders vision. Vesa is an incomparable abstracted in the crypto art space.”

— David Johnson, CEO of Latium

World Crypto Con

“Beyond Moon” for WCC

Thus far, the best elaborate project was done with Evolv Events for World Crypto Con 2024. ‘Beyond Moon’ put calm the conference, crypto and Las Vegas in a accomplished package. It wasn’t alone about assuming one but 15 art pieces, a performance with a bodypaint ballerina as able-bodied as a keynote about the accent of adroitness in the space. Again, alive with these guys was a breeze due to all of us actuality able to assurance that we knew our corners.

You can watch the blur about Beyond Moon here

Watch the achievement and keynote here

Adam fabricated abiding our bank got congenital and fast.

Stay acquainted for what we will do for 2024!

“Working with Vesa is a one of a affectionate experience. He has a allowance for demography your eyes and acceptable it into not alone a admirable allotment of artwork but a adventure to allotment with the community. He is a accurate afflatus to the crypto and blockchain ecosystem. Not alone as an artist, but as a agent of what the approaching may accept in abundance for all of us.”

— Adam Williams, Co-Founder of Evolv Events


I’ve additionally adapted some of the originals to accommodate aggregation logos for re-paint pieces. The allotment “Fork And Flip” was adapted to accommodate the wave-like OceanEX logo and I absolutely now adopt the adapted adaptation to the original. As an AI-powered cryptocurrency exchange, they accord with these two opposing armament on a circadian basis, so the logo serves as a acclimation force amid the two.

The co-founder Daniel Kelman was accessible to assignment with and award the applicable beheld bout came calm naturally. It was a aberrant activity to anticipate that a aggregation accord would absolutely feel like an advance of the art, as against to the added way around, but it’s true.

“Vesa delivered a customized allotment that both actual the barrage of my new exchange,, and added the work’s character and collectability.  I own a cardinal of his pieces but this one is after a agnosticism my favorite.” – Daniel Kelman, Chief Strategy Officer at and OceanEx

The aforementioned affair was done with Silver 8 Capital LLC.

Due to the antecedent two, the 3rd and alone Fork And Flip in aboriginal anatomy to be sold, is still available. It afresh accent an commodity on crypto art in Forbes.

In Media and Social

The added allotment of this all is me actualization on podcasts, TV interviews, lectures, traveling to speak and perform at conferences and written media to allocution about the things I am alive on. This is, in addition, to anon autograph actuality on News BTC, beeline to the association about it too. The accomplished affair ties to accumulation adoption.

The latest accord was with Data Bunker, who artlessly covered my biking and adaptation costs to go to The North American Bitcoin Conference and Art Fort Lauderdale in Florida.

Commissions Structure

Have a attending at what is on action at on the dedicated commission’s folio on Art For Crypto.Com.

Get in blow for appropriate buck bazaar activity prices.

By the feel of crypto appropriate now, I agnosticism that they will be accessible for too long.

Crypto Artist
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Crypto Art
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