Polis Partners With MCN Ventures to Build Cross Chain DeFi Ecosystem on Polis Chain
press release

Polis Partners With MCN Ventures to Build Cross Chain DeFi Ecosystem on Polis Chain

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Polis is partnering with decentralized crypto adventure backer MCN Ventures afterward the acknowledged barrage of the Polis Chain ecosystem

December 21st, 2024, Mexico City, Mexico – Community-based decentralized accounts (DeFi) belvedere Polis is announcement a affiliation with decentralized VC MCN Ventures. The collaboration, which is the aboriginal of its affectionate for Polis, will focus on architecture a cross-chain DeFi ecosystem on Polis Chain, Polis’ built-in blockchain.

As allotment of the collaboration, four new projects are set to be deployed by MCN Ventures on Polis Chain in the abutting few weeks. These accommodate decentralized stablecoins Xdollar and MinMax, agriculture ecosystem MCN Multiple, and Acheron, a third-party arch for Polis Chain.

Speaking about the collaboration, Andreas Meyer, Business DAO Manager commented:

“For our activity it is the aboriginal time that we will assignment calm with a adventure fund. The appropriate affair is that MCN is absolutely decentralized and has a huge arrangement in the DeFi space. This brings us abounding new opportunities to abound our Polis Alternation for 2022. We are attractive advanced to this accord and the approaching new projects on our chain.”

Bill the Investor, a accepted accomplice of MCN Ventures also commented:

“The affiliation amid MCN and Polis will advice Polis to body its defi projects fast and abundantly enhance the MCN ecosystem.”

The New Kid in DeFi

Polis’ accord with MCN Ventures comes afterwards a bind of developments at Polis afterward its access into the DeFi space, appearance its 4-year milestone. In November 2021, Polis launched Hades Swap, its aboriginal decentralized barter (DEX) in a key axis into the DeFi space. The DEX had over $2.5 actor in trading aggregate in its aboriginal week, with Total Value Locked (TVL) peaking at $2.5 actor too. To date, $6.5 actor account of crypto assets has been traded on the platform.

Moreover, Polis auspiciously launched the Olympus Network, a blockchain aural the Polis ecosystem able of active acute contracts. This will acquiesce developers in the ecosystem to calmly actualize decentralized applications (dApps), a affection which is analytical for its operation in the DeFi space.

Finally, in November 2024, Polis partnered with Meter.io to arch the Olympus Network to Binance Smart Chain to facilitate transfers of stablecoin DAI. The Polis aggregation has additionally been advancing several added partnerships which are due to actualize in the abutting few months.

Combined, these developments advance Polis’ axis appear DeFi is not alone well-funded, but well-resourced, ensuring Polis is positioned to become a baton in the DeFi space.


About MCN ventures

MCN Ventures is a decentralized incubator, broker and clamminess provider. Its stakeholders comprise Twitter-based key assessment leaders, entrepreneurs, traders and analysts focused on decentralized finance. Collectively, stakeholders advance in early-stage projects, accouterment a ambit of industry ability as able-bodied as capital.

The MCN aggregation leverages a belvedere of over 200,000 followers beyond Twitter, Telegram, WeChat and Weibo to advice abound early-stage communities as able-bodied as accouterment abstruse ability in the anatomy of cipher audits and evaluations.


About Polis

Polis is the capital asset on the Olympus Network. It allows users to pay for transaction fees, as able-bodied as appointment amount stored in Polis aural the network. Polis Chain is EVM-compatible, acceptation developers can body applications that accomplish use of acute arrangement technology.

The arrangement started as a angle of accepted acquittal belvedere DASH, adopting its own Proof-of-Stake rules in 2018. Moreover, Polis is absolute by a decentralized free alignment (DAO) which elects bristles managers amenable for the ecosystem’s operation. All Polis associates are able to vote for anniversary of the positions as able-bodied as put advanced and vote for specific proposals pertaining to the ecosystem’s future.

For added advice on the Polis and MCN Ventures collaboration, appointment their website here.

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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Maria Sidorova

Contact Email: [email protected]

POLIS is the antecedent of this content. This Press Release is for advisory purposes only. The admonition does not aggregate advance admonition or an action to invest.



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