PR: EtherSport - a Decentralized Online Sports Lottery to Launch Its Pre-ICO on November, 13th
press release

PR: EtherSport - a Decentralized Online Sports Lottery to Launch Its Pre-ICO on November, 13th

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EtherSport, an avant-garde online sports action belvedere based on blockchain technology an Ethereum acute contracts, is about to access its Pre-ICO date on November, 13th. During this accessible basic sale, 10 actor ESC tokens will be awash at the everyman amount to the aboriginal investors, or actually anyone accommodating to participate and accepting an Ethereum wallet.

EtherSport uses ICO to accession funds and actualize an avant-garde and cellophane action on sports events. Anniversary actor of the EtherSport crowdfunding attack will accept a corresponding bulk of ESC, an centralized bill acclimated to conduct all operations aural the EtherSport system. ESC tokens can be acclimated as belvedere bill for affairs action tickets, as an advance to get assets — 15% of the aloft money from anniversary lottery, or as a abstract article to barter on an exchange.

Alex Tsymbal, CEO of EtherSport, explains the aggressive advantages of the belvedere compared to added players on the market: “EtherSport is transparent, acceptation every aspect of the action can be beheld and verified. EtherSport is decentralized, so that already we arrange the action acute arrangement into the blockchain, it can’t be afflicted and compromised. EtherSport has a bright and barefaced antecedent of cartoon results, and anybody is able to chase this process, and EtherSport’s ascribe beginning is alone $1, so about anyone in the apple can buy a action admission and accept according adventitious to hit the jackpot. Also, the arrangement itself will be open-source, the acute arrangement and action coffer accumulating and administration cipher will be attainable on GitHub.”

Unlike abounding added ICOs, the aggregation has fabricated its pre-sale accessible for anybody who has an Ethereum wallet, after any allotment or abstracts submission. Moreover, the minimum acquirement bulk is 1 ESC badge only. To booty allotment in the EtherSport ICO, you should artlessly accelerate ETH to the badge alms address, which will be accessible on the official website as of November, 13th. Your tokens will be beatific to your sending abode automatically.

10,000,000 ESC tokens will be awash at 0.0005 ETH for 1 ESC during the Pre-ICO date (November 13th – 19th). Thereby, EtherSport has created favourable altitude for the aboriginal birds who will be able to get 2,000 tokens for aloof 1 ETH during the Pre-ICO. In comparison, you will be able to get 1,000 tokens per 1 ETH during the aboriginal hour of the absolute ICO start. Generally, the ICO attack will aftermost one ages (November, 20th, to December, 20th) and will be implemented in 4 stages. With every ICO stage, the ESC badge amount will abound respectively, which agency that the beforehand you invest, the added tokens you will get. All in all, 100,000,000 ESC tokens will be created, with 70% of them to be broadcast during Pre-ICO and ICO.

Preserving the accuracy principles, EtherSport has already appear its abundant white paper, roadmap, conditions, and the aggregation abaft the activity on the official website, which will additionally serve as the belvedere for the ESC badge auction starting on November, 13th.

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